
Next-gen CLI tool for ForemanTemplates

hammer-cli development docs for help

Development setup

With this guide, you'll be able to set up hammer_cli_foreman_templates with hammer-cli-foreman for development.

Requirements for this setup

These are the requirements for this setup. Note that some may not be needed at all depending on your setup.

  • git
  • ruby
  • rvm
  • foreman


First, cd into the directory where your projects will live. Then clone everything.

git clone https://github.com/theforeman/hammer-cli-foreman.git
git clone https://github.com/theforeman/hammer-cli-foreman-templates.git

Before we bundle, we need to setup our local Gemfile. Edit Gemfile.local.rb in your hammer_cli_foreman_templates directory to point to the local projects instead of using the gems. Enter the following:

gem 'hammer_cli_foreman', :path => '../hammer-cli-foreman'

Now, let's create the directories we need for configuration.

mkdir -p ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d

Edit ~/.hammer/cli_config.yml and enter any hammer-cli config values you want.

Next edit ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml and enter the following:

  :enable_module: true
  :host: 'http://foreman.example.com/'
  :username: 'admin'
  :password: 'changeme'

Edit ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman_templates.yml and enter in the following:

  :enable_module: true

And then finally test out your installation:

bundle exec hammer -vh

You should see in the output:

Extension module hammer_cli_foreman_templates (version) loaded

If you see no errors, you should be good to go.