Foreman boot disk commands for Hammer CLI

This Hammer CLI plugin contains set of commands for foreman_bootdisk, a plugin to Foreman for ISO/USB booting support


Basic configuration of Hammer to communicate with Foreman is covered in the hammer-cli-foreman documentation:

To download the generic disk (ISO/USB) image, run:

hammer bootdisk generic

Or to download a per-host disk, run:

hammer bootdisk host --host

Or to download a subnet disk, run:

hammer bootdisk subnet --subnet mysubnet

Files will be downloaded into the current directory unless --file is used to set the destination:

hammer bootdisk generic --file /tmp/generic.iso

If a device is given to --file, you can write the image directly to it by adding the --force option. Needless to say, but double check the device name is correct to avoid overwriting the wrong disk.

hammer bootdisk generic --file /dev/sdb --force

When running hammer as an unprivileged user with no access to the device, add --sudo to execute sudo dd for the copy. Password prompts may be shown if NOPASSWD is not configured.

hammer bootdisk generic --file /dev/sdb --force --sudo

How to run

We build rpms, debs and gems. Alternatively you can install hammer from a git checkout. See our Hammer CLI installation and configuration instuctions.

Having issues?

If one of hammer commands doesn't work as you would expect, you can run hammer -d ... to get full debug output from the loggers. It should give you an idea what went wrong.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us on [email protected] or Freenode#theforeman IRC channel.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3+.