Hamlit is a high performance Haml implementation.
Project status
Hamlit's implementation was copied to Haml 6. From Haml 6, you don't need to switch to Hamlit.
Both Haml 6 and Hamlit are still maintained by @k0kubun. While you don't need to immediately deprecate Hamlit, Haml 6 has more maintainers and you'd better start a new project with Haml rather than Hamlit, given no performance difference between them.
What is Hamlit?
Hamlit is another implementation of Haml. With some Hamlit's characteristics for performance, Hamlit is 1.94x times faster than the original Haml 5 in this benchmark, which is an HTML-escaped version of slim-template/slim's one for fairness. (Result on Travis)
hamlit v2.13.0: 247404.4 i/s
erubi v1.9.0: 244356.4 i/s - 1.01x slower
slim v4.1.0: 238254.3 i/s - 1.04x slower
faml v0.8.1: 197293.2 i/s - 1.25x slower
haml v5.2.0: 127834.4 i/s - 1.94x slower
Why is Hamlit fast?
Less string concatenation by design
As written in Hamlit's characteristics, Hamlit drops some not-so-important features which require works on runtime. With the optimized language design, we can reduce the string concatenation to build attributes.
Static analyzer
Hamlit analyzes Ruby expressions with Ripper and render it on compilation if the expression is static. And Hamlit can also compile string literal with string interpolation to reduce string allocation and concatenation on runtime.
C extension to build attributes
While Hamlit has static analyzer and static attributes are rendered on compilation, dynamic attributes must be rendered on runtime. So Hamlit optimizes rendering on runtime with C extension.
See REFERENCE.md for details.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile or just replace gem "haml"
with gem "hamlit"
It enables rendering by Hamlit for *.haml automatically.
gem 'hamlit'
If you want to use view generator, consider using hamlit-rails.
Replace gem "haml"
with gem "hamlit"
in Gemfile, and require "hamlit".
While Haml disables escape_html
option by default, Hamlit enables it for security.
If you want to disable it, please write:
set :haml, { escape_html: false }
Command line interface
You can see compiled code or rendering result with "hamlit" command.
$ gem install hamlit
$ hamlit --help
hamlit compile HAML # Show compile result
hamlit help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
hamlit parse HAML # Show parse result
hamlit render HAML # Render haml template
hamlit temple HAML # Show temple intermediate expression
$ cat in.haml
- user_id = 123
%a{ href: "/users/#{user_id}" }
# Show compiled code
$ hamlit compile in.haml
_buf = []; user_id = 123;
; _buf << ("<a href='/users/".freeze); _buf << (::Hamlit::Utils.escape_html((user_id))); _buf << ("'></a>\n".freeze); _buf = _buf.join
# Render html
$ hamlit render in.haml
<a href='/users/123'></a>
Reporting an issue
Please report an issue with following information:
- Full error backtrace
- Haml template
- Ruby version
- Hamlit version
- Rails/Sinatra version
Coding styles
Please follow the existing coding styles and do not send patches including cosmetic changes.
Copyright (c) 2015 Takashi Kokubun