Guard::Unicorn Build Status

Guard::Unicorn automatically restarts the Unicorn server using Guard.


Using Rubygems:

$ gem install guard-unicorn

Using Bundler, add this to your Gemfile, preferably in the development group:

group :development
  gem 'guard-unicorn'

Add a sample Guard definition to your Guardfile:

$ guard init unicorn

Guard General Usage

Please read the guard usage doc in order to find out more about Guard and how to use Guards. There is also a Railscast about Guard, created by Ryan Bates.

It is recommended that you also install the ruby-gntp on Mac OS X, libnotify on Linux, FreeBSD or Solaris or rb-notifu in order to have graphical notifications.

Guardfile for guard-unicorn

guard :unicorn, :daemonized => true

Available options:

  • :daemonized run the Unicorn server as a daemon. Can be true or false. Defaults to false
  • :bundler use bundle exec to start Unicorn. Defaults to true.
  • :config_file path to the Unicorn config file. Defaults to config/unicorn.rb
  • :pid_file path to the Unicorn PID file. Defaults to tmp/pids/
  • :preloading is Unicorn configured to preload the application? Defaults to false.
  • :port on what port to run Unicorn. Defaults to 3000.