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guard-reek allows you to automatically detect code smells with Reek when files are modified.


Please make sure to have Guard installed before continue.

Add guard-reek to your Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'guard-reek'

and then execute:

$ bundle install

or install it yourself as:

$ gem install guard-reek

Add the default Guard::Reek definition to your Guardfile by running:

$ guard init reek


Please read the Guard usage documentation.


You can pass some options in Guardfile like the following example:

guard :reek, all_on_start: false, run_all: false, cli: '--single-line --no-wiki-links' do
  # ...

Available Options

all_on_start: true     # Check all files at Guard startup.
                       #   default: true
all: 'app lib spec'    # What to run when running all
                       # An array or string is acceptable.
                       #   default: *
cli: '--single-line'   # Pass arbitrary reek CLI arguments.
                       # An array or string is acceptable.
                       #   default: nil
run_all: true          # Check all files on "Enter"
                       #   default: true


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request