gruf-rollbar - Rollbar reporting for gruf

Adds Rollbar error reporting support for gruf 2.7.0+ and sentry-ruby

This gem will automatically report grpc failures and Gruf errors into Rollbar as they happen in servers and clients.


Simply install the gem:

gem 'gruf-rollbar'

Then after, in your gruf initializer:

Gruf.configure do |c|

It comes with a few more options as well:

Option Description Default ENV Key
ignore_methods A list of method names to ignore from logging. E.g. [''] [] GRUF_ROLLBAR_IGNORE_METHODS
grpc_error_classes A list of gRPC error classes that will be used for detecting errors (as opposed to validation) GRPC::Unknown,GRPC::Internal,GRPC::DataLoss,GRPC::FailedPrecondition,GRPC::Unavailable,GRPC::DeadlineExceeded,GRPC::Cancelled GRUF_ROLLBAR_GRPC_ERROR_CLASSES
default_error_code The default gRPC error code to use (int value) GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INTERNAL GRUF_ROLLBAR_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE

Client Interceptors

To automatically report errors in your Gruf clients, pass the client interceptor to your Gruf::Client initializer:
  service: MyService,
  client_options: {
    interceptors: []

This gem is inspired by