
A gem for tracking changes of a model in a history table.

Allows fields to be marked as trigger fields that will initiate a copy of the record back to the history table. The history table rows will be created with the data as it existed before the current modifications were made.

Usage (on the object to create history for):


acts_as_historic :on_change_of=>:field_1, :after => :some_method


Usage (on the history object):




By default, the History Record object is assumed to be the name of the main object plus History so: For an object Foo, the History Record would be in a table called FooHistory. This can be overridden using the class_name option:


acts_as_historic :class_name=>“BarHistory”


Options: * :on_change_of - A list of fields to monitor for change. When any of these fields changes, a history row is created. * :on_initialize - Create a History Record indicating the initial creation of the main object. * :class_name - Specify a different History Record class name. * :after - A symbol or proc to be called on completion of the history row being created.

Copyright © 2009 Greg Fitzgerald. See LICENSE for details.