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Grape Starter

Is a tool to help you to build up a skeleton for a Grape API mounted on Rack ready to run. grape-swagger would be used to generate a OAPI compatible documentation, which could be shown with ReDoc.

ReDoc demo

Why the next one?

  • build up a playground for your ideas, prototypes, testing behaviour, whatever …
    (I use it to implement specific behaviour and get specs of for grape-swagger)
  • no assumtions about a backend/ORM, ergo no restrictions, only a pure grape/rack skeleton


Install it

$ gem install grape-starter

Create a new project

$ grape-starter new awesome_api

This command creates a folder named awesome_api containing the skeleton. With following structure:

├── <Standards>
├── api
│   ├── base.rb        # the main API class, all other endpoints would be mounted in it
│   ├── endpoints      # contains the endpoint file for a resource
│   │   └── root.rb    # root is always available, it exposes all routes/endpoints, disable by comment out in base.rb
│   └── entities       # contains the entity representation of the reource, if wanted
│       └── route.rb
├── config             # base configuration
│   └── …
├──          # Rack it up
├── lib                # contains the additional lib file for a resource
│   ├── api
│   │   └── version.rb
│   └── api.rb
├── public             # for serving static files
│   └── redoc.html     # provides the ReDoc generated oapi documentation
├── script             # setup / server / test etc.
│   └── …
└── spec               # RSpec
    └── …

To run it, go into awesome_api folder, start the server

$ cd awesome_api
$ ./script/server *port

the API is now accessible under: http://localhost:9292/api/v1/root
the documentation of it under: http://localhost:9292/

More could be found in README.

Add resources

$ grape-starter add foo

to add CRUD endpoints for resource foo. For more options, see grape-starter add -h.

This adds endpoint and lib file and belonging specs, and a mount entry in base.rb.

Remove a resource

$ grape-starter rm foo

to remove previous generated files for a resource.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


  • [x] make scripts more configurable
  • [ ] add logging