GOV.UK Navigation Helpers

This is a gem to share code between GOV.UK frontends.


  • content item: An object returned by the content store

Technical documentation

These helpers format data from the content store for use with GOV.UK Components.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'govuk_navigation_helpers', '~> VERSION'

And then execute:

$ bundle


This gem allows the configuration of:

  • an error handler class (e.g. Airbrake), that implements a notify method which takes an exception object (by default, it prints the exception to stdout when not configured);
  • a statsd client - when not configured, it does not do anything. This client should implement increment(metric) and time(metric, &block).


Get the JSON representation of a page and initialise the helper:

def some_controller_method
  content_item = Services.content_store.content_item("/register-to-vote")
  @navigation =

Render the component:

<%= render partial: 'govuk_component/breadcrumbs', locals: @navigation.breadcrumbs %>
<%= render partial: 'govuk_component/related_items', locals: @navigation.related_items %>

Running the test suite

bundle exec rake


See RubyDoc for some limited documentation.

To run a Yard server locally to preview documentation, run:

$ bundle exec yard server --reload


MIT License