Class: CassandraObject::Base

  • Object
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Extended by:
ActiveModel::Naming, ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker, Model
ActiveModel::Conversion, AttributeMethods, AttributeMethods::Dirty, AttributeMethods::PrimaryKey, AttributeMethods::Typecasting, BelongsTo, Callbacks, Connection, Core, Identity, Inspect, Persistence, Scoping, Serialization, Timestamps, Validations
Defined in:

Method Summary

Methods included from Model

base_class, column_family, column_family=, config, config=

Methods included from Core

#==, #eql?, #hash, #initialize, #initialize_dup, #to_param

Methods included from Callbacks


Methods included from BelongsTo


Methods included from AttributeMethods::PrimaryKey

#attributes, #id, #id=

Methods included from AttributeMethods::Dirty

#reload, #save, #write_attribute

Methods included from Validations

#save, #save!

Methods included from AttributeMethods

#attribute_exists?, #attributes, #attributes=, #method_missing, #read_attribute, #respond_to?, #write_attribute

Methods included from Persistence

#becomes, #destroy, #destroyed?, #new_record?, #persisted?, #reload, #save, #update_attribute, #update_attributes, #update_attributes!

Methods included from Inspect

#attribute_for_inspect, #inspect

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class CassandraObject::AttributeMethods