

Gorgon provides a method for distributing the workload of running ruby test suites. It relies on amqp for message passing, and rsync for the synchronization of source code.

Installing Gorgon

  1. sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
  2. When you run gorgon, every listener will use rsync to pull the directory tree from origin; therefore, you need passwordless ssh login from every listener to origin (even if origin and listener are on the same host). Follow these steps.
  3. cd to your project
  4. gem install gorgon
  5. if using rails, gorgon init rails will create initial files for a typical rails project. Otherwise, you can use gorgon init
  6. check gorgon.json to see and modify any necessary setting
  7. add the following lines to your database.yml file
remote_test: &remote_test
  <<: *defaults
  database: <my-app>_remote_test_<%=ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']%>
  min_messages: warning

Where <<: *defaults are the default values used in database.yml, like for example, adapter, username, password, and host. Replace <my-app> with a name to identify this application's dbs

Installing listener as a Daemon process (Ubuntu 9.10 or later)

  1. run gorgon install_listener from the directory where gorgon.json is
  2. run gorgon ping to check if the listener is running

Try it out!

  1. run gorgon to run all the tests.

NOTE: if you get cannot load such file -- qrack/qrack (LoadError), just add gem 'gorgon', '~> 0.4.1' , :group => :remote_test to your Gemfile, and run tests using bundle exec gorgon

Also note that these steps are not meant to work on every project, they will only give you initial settings. You will probably have to modify the following files:

  • gorgon.json
  • test/gorgon_callbacks/after_sync.rb
  • test/gorgon_callbacks/before_creating_workers.rb
  • test/gorgon_callbacks/after_creating_workers.rb
  • test/gorgon_callbacks/before_start.rb
  • test/gorgon_callbacks/after_complete.rb
  • ~/.gorgon/gorgon_listener.json

If you modify ~/.gorgon/gorgon_listener.json, make sure you restart the listener by running sudo restart gorgon


To queue the current test suite, run gorgon start, or gorgon. gorgon will read the application configuration out of gorgon.json, connect to the AMQP server, and publish the job.

If you want to run the listener manually (didn't install Daemon process), you must run gorgon job listeners. To start a gorgon listener, run gorgon listen. This command will read the listener configuration out of gorgon_listener.json, then start the listener process in the background.



This file contains project-specific settings for gorgon, such as:

  • The connection information for AMQP
  • Information about how clients can rsync the working directory (optional)
  • Files that can be excluded by rsync
  • Files containing Ruby code to be used as callbacks
  • A glob for generating the list of test files
  • The file used for Originator's logs

See gorgon.json example for more details.


This file contains the listener-specific settings, such as:

  • The connection information for AMQP
  • How many worker slots are provided by this listener
  • The file used for logs

See gorgon_listener.json example for more details.

Manually setting up gorgon listener as a daemon process (Ubuntu 9.10 or later)

If gorgon install_listener didn't work for you, you can try these steps


Read overview architecture


Gorgon is maintained by:

  • Justin Fitzsimmons
  • Arturo Pie
  • Sean Kirby
  • Clemens Park
  • Victor Savkin

Gorgon is funded by Nulogy Corp. Thank you to all the contributors.