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Standard RabbitMQ bot used in Gadz.org SOA


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gorg_service'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gorg_service


Before being used, GorgService must be configured. In Rails app, put it in an Initializer.

GorgService.configure do |c|
  # application name for display usage
  c.application_name="My Application Name"
  # application id used to find message from this producer

  ## RabbitMQ configuration
  ### Authentification
  # If your RabbitMQ server is password protected put it here
  # c.rabbitmq_user = nil
  # c.rabbitmq_password = nil
  ### Network configuration :
  # c.rabbitmq_host = "localhost"
  # c.rabbitmq_port = 5672
  # c.rabbitmq_vhost = "/"
  # c.rabbitmq_event_exchange_name = "exchange"
  # time before trying again on softfail in milliseconds (temporary error)
  # c.rabbitmq_deferred_time = 1800000 # 30min
  # maximum number of try before discard a message
  # c.rabbitmq_max_attempts = 48 # 24h with default deferring delay
  # The routing key used when sending a message to the central log system (Hardfail or Warning)
  # Central logging is disable if nil
  # c.log_routing_key = nil



To start the RabbitMQ consummer use :

my_service = GorgService.new

Routing and MessageHandler

When running, GorgService act as a consumer on Gadz.org RabbitMQ network. It bind its queue on the main exchange and subscribes to routing keys with listen_to

Each received message will be routed to the corresponding MessageHandler. AMQP wildcards are supported.The first key to match the incoming routing key will be used.

A MessageHandler is a kind of controller. This is where you the message is processed. A MessageHandler expect a GorgService::Message as param of its initializermethod.

Here is an exemple MessageHandler :

class ExampleMessageHandler < GorgService::Consumer::MessageHandler::EventHandler

  listen_to "event.user.updated"

    "type" => "object",
    "required" => ["user_id"],
    "properties" => {
      "user_id" => {"type" => "integer"}

  def validate

  def process
        if example=Example.update(message.data[:user_id])
            event: "event.example.updated",
            data: {example_id: example.id}
          raise_hardfail("Unable to update example")
     rescue ApiConnectionError => e
      raise_softfail("Unable to connect to API",error: e)

As showed in this example,GorgService::MessageHandler provides 2 helpers :

  • raise_hardfail: This will raise a HardfailErrorexception. The message can't be processed and will never be. It is logged and send back to main exchange for audit purpose.

  • raise_softfail: This will raise a SoftfailErrorexception. The message can't be processed at this moment but may be processed in future : connection problems, rate limiting API, etc. It is sent to a deferred queue where it will be delayed for rabbitmq_deferred_timemillisecconds before being sent back in the main exchange for re-queuing.

Each one of this helpers expect two params :

  • message : The information to be displayed in message's error log
  • exception (optional) : The runtime exception causing the fail, for debug purpose

Message structure

GorgService::Message is defined here

It provides the following attributes :

  • event : this is the same as the routing key
  • id: message UUID
  • errors: A list of GorgService::Message::ErrorLog
  • data: Hash containing the data to be processed
  • creation_time: message emission date as DateTime
  • sender : message producer id

Error log structure :

  • id : Error uuid
  • type : Type of error (debug, info, warning, softerror, harderror)
  • sender : Id of service emitting this error
  • message : Error message
  • debug : Hash containing debug infos

To Do

  • Allow disable JSON Schema Validation on incomming messages
  • Message and ErrorLog attributes validation


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Zooip/gorg_service.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.