Class: GoogleAjax::Results

  • Object
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The Results class is the superclass for the results of API calls and acts as a Hash. Instance methods can be added to add functionalities (e.g. Search#count) Class methods are the actual api calls.

For example the Search api inherits from Results. GoogleAjax::Search.web will return an instance of GoogleAjax::Search Some of the values within this GoogleAjax::Search instance will also act as hashes. They will be instances of GoogleAjax::Base and so will be their values that act as hashes.

Direct Known Subclasses

Feed, Language, Search

Constant Summary

Constants included from Filters::ConvertValues

Filters::ConvertValues::FLOAT, Filters::ConvertValues::INTEGER, Filters::ConvertValues::TRUE_OR_FALSE

Method Summary

Methods included from API

extract_data, get, kind, parse, standard_api, version

Methods inherited from Base

#[], #[]=

Methods included from Filters::Recursive

#initialize, remap

Methods included from Filters::SymbolizeKeys


Methods included from Filters::ConvertValues
