
google4r is a collection of libraries that allow you to access some of Google’s web services using Ruby. At the moment, there are wrappers for

  • Google Maps

  • Google Checkout.

You have to ‘require’ each library independently:

require 'google4r/maps'
require 'google4r/checkout'


google4r itself is distributed under an MIT style license.

However, the library includes the file from the Mozilla project. This file is distributed under the

Google Checkout

You can find more information on the Google Checkout API Note that the API documentation assumes an understanding of the Google Checkout XML API.

Google4R also contains a partial implementation of the level 2 of the Google Checkout API:

  • The <checkout-cart-command> tag and all of its subtags that are not related to the merchant calculation API can be generated.

  • The <new-order-notification> tag and all of its subtags which are not related to the merchant calculation API can be parsed.

  • The <order-state-change-notification> tag can be parsed.

Google Checkout Tests

You have to place a file called ‘checkout_command_test.rb’ in ‘test/checkout’ with the configuration for the Google4R::Checkout::Frontend class to use for running the tests.

The file should contain content similar to:

# The test configuration for the Google4R::Checkout::Frontend class.
    :merchant_id => '<your merchant id>', 
    :merchant_key => '<your merchant key>',
    :use_sandbox => true



  • <risk-information-notification>

  • <charge-amount-notification>

  • <refund-amount-notification>

  • <chargeback-amount-notification>

  • <authorization-amount-notification>

All of the Order Processing API.

Google Maps

The only part of the Google Maps API that can be standalone with sense is the Geocoder. The Google4R::Maps::Geocoder class allows to geocode address strings, i.e. finds a number of known locations that match the query to a certain degree. The information about the “known locations” includes the latitude and longitude of the location.

Queries To Try Out

Querying for this string

will yield n results



1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


Janitell Rd, Colorado Springs, CO


Maps Tests

Note that you wil have to place a file called ‘key.rb’ in the directory ‘test/maps’ to be able to run unit tests. It should have the following contents:

GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY = '<your google maps key>'


The unit tests use Mocha so you have to install the gem “mocha” to run the tests.