Google Finance Ruby Client

Gem Version Build Status

A Ruby client for the undocumented Google Finance web API. Supports stock quotes and historical prices. Attempts to make sense of, coerce and structure the data.

IANAL, but do note that if your application is for public consumption, using the Google Finance API seems to be against Google's terms of service.


Add to Gemfile.

gem 'google-finance-ruby-client'

Run bundle install.


Get a Quote

Fetches stock quotes via

quote = GoogleFinance::Quote.get('MSFT')

quote.last_trade_price # 84.26
quote.change # 0.09
quote.change_in_percent # 0.11
quote.change_in_percent_s # "+0.11%"

See quote.rb for returned fields.

If a symbol cannot be found a GoogleFinance::Errors::SymbolNotFound is raised.

Get Multiple Quotes

Searches for a ticker or tickers, then fetches each quote.

quotes ='MSFT', 'AB')

quotes.size # 2

quotes[0] # GoogleFinance::Quote.get('MSFT')
quotes[1] # GoogleFinance::Quote.get('AB')

If one of the symbols cannot be found a GoogleFinance::Errors::SymbolsNotFound is raised.

Get Price History

Daily Price History

Fetches price history for a ticker via

prices = GoogleFinance::History.get('MSFT')

# prices for the last year of open markets
prices.count # 251

# prices appear in reverse chronological order
prices.first # #<GoogleFinance::Price close=85.54 date=#<Date: 2017-12-29> high=86.05 low=85.5 open=85.63 volume=18717406>
prices[1] # #<GoogleFinance::Price close=85.72 date=#<Date: 2017-12-28> high=85.93 low=85.55 open=85.9 volume=10594344>

If a symbol cannot be found a GoogleFinance::Errors::SymbolNotFound is raised.

The following options are supported.

  • start_date: date to start retrieving from
  • end_date: date to retrieve data up to

Retrieve prices in the first trading week of 2016. No trading on the week-end or during holidays.

prices = GoogleFinance::History.get('MSFT', start_date: Date.parse('2016-01-03'), end_date: Date.parse('2016-01-10'))

prices.count # 5
prices.first # #<GoogleFinance::Price close=52.33 date=#<Date: 2016-01-08> high=53.28 low=52.15 open=52.37 volume=48753969>

Intraday Price History

Fetches price history, including at intraday intervals, for a ticker via

prices = GoogleFinance::Prices.get('MSFT') # NASDAQ

# prices for the last month of open markets
prices.count # 21

# prices appear in reverse chronological order
prices.last #<GoogleFinance::Price close=85.71 date=2017-12-27 16:00:00 -0500 high=85.98 low=85.215 open=85.65 volume=14678025>
prices[-2] #<GoogleFinance::Price close=85.4 date=2017-12-26 16:00:00 -0500 high=85.5346 low=85.03 open=85.31 volume=9891237>

See price.rb for returned fields.

If a symbol cannot be found a GoogleFinance::Errors::SymbolNotFound is raised.

The following options are supported.

  • exchange: stock exchange symbol on which stock is traded, eg. NASDAQ
  • interval: interval size in seconds
  • period: period, a number followed by d (days) or Y (years)
  • fields: array of data to return
    • date: timestamp
    • open: price at market open
    • close: price at market close
    • volume: volume
    • low: low price
    • high: high price

Retrieve intraday prices in 1 hour intervals.

prices = GoogleFinance::Prices.get('GOOG', interval: 60 * 60, period: '1d')

prices.count # 7

prices # array of GoogleFinance::Price, date=2017-12-29 10:00AM, 11:00AM, etc.

Retrieve only prices at market close.

prices = GoogleFinance::Prices.get('GOOG', fields: [:days, :close])

prices.first # #<GoogleFinance::Price close=1047.41 date=2017-11-28 16:00:00 -0500>



Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Doubrovkine and Contributors.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.