Class: Google::Apis::DriveV3::File
- Inherits:
- Object
- Google::Apis::DriveV3::File
- Includes:
- Core::Hashable, Core::JsonObjectSupport
- Defined in:
- generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb,
The metadata for a file.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Capabilities, ContentHints, ImageMediaMetadata, VideoMediaMetadata
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#app_properties ⇒ Hash<String,String>
A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app.
#capabilities ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::Capabilities
Capabilities the current user has on the file.
#content_hints ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ContentHints
Additional information about the content of the file.
#created_time ⇒ DateTime
The time at which the file was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
#description ⇒ String
A short description of the file.
#explicitly_trashed ⇒ Boolean
(also: #explicitly_trashed?)
Whether the file has been explicitly trashed, as opposed to recursively trashed from a parent folder.
#file_extension ⇒ String
The final component of fullFileExtension.
#folder_color_rgb ⇒ String
The color for a folder as an RGB hex string.
#full_file_extension ⇒ String
The full file extension extracted from the name field.
#head_revision_id ⇒ String
The ID of the file's head revision.
#icon_link ⇒ String
A static, unauthenticated link to the file's icon.
#id ⇒ String
The ID of the file.
#image_media_metadata ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ImageMediaMetadata
Additional metadata about image media, if available.
#is_app_authorized ⇒ Boolean
(also: #is_app_authorized?)
Whether the file was created or opened by the requesting app.
#kind ⇒ String
Identifies what kind of resource this is.
#last_modifying_user ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::User
Information about a Drive user.
#md5_checksum ⇒ String
The MD5 checksum for the content of the file.
#mime_type ⇒ String
The MIME type of the file.
#modified_by_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was modified by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
#modified_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).
#name ⇒ String
The name of the file.
#original_filename ⇒ String
The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the original value of the name field.
#owned_by_me ⇒ Boolean
(also: #owned_by_me?)
Whether the user owns the file.
#owners ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::DriveV3::User>
The owners of the file.
#parents ⇒ Array<String>
The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.
#permissions ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::DriveV3::Permission>
The full list of permissions for the file.
#properties ⇒ Hash<String,String>
A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps.
#quota_bytes_used ⇒ String
The number of storage quota bytes used by the file.
#shared ⇒ Boolean
(also: #shared?)
Whether the file has been shared.
#shared_with_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The time at which the file was shared with the user, if applicable (RFC 3339 date-time).
#sharing_user ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::User
Information about a Drive user.
#size ⇒ String
The size of the file's content in bytes.
#spaces ⇒ Array<String>
The list of spaces which contain the file.
#starred ⇒ Boolean
(also: #starred?)
Whether the user has starred the file.
#thumbnail_link ⇒ String
A short-lived link to the file's thumbnail, if available.
#trashed ⇒ Boolean
(also: #trashed?)
Whether the file has been trashed, either explicitly or from a trashed parent folder.
#version ⇒ String
A monotonically increasing version number for the file.
#video_media_metadata ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::VideoMediaMetadata
Additional metadata about video media.
#viewed_by_me ⇒ Boolean
(also: #viewed_by_me?)
Whether the file has been viewed by this user.
#viewed_by_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
#viewers_can_copy_content ⇒ Boolean
(also: #viewers_can_copy_content?)
Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file's content.
#web_content_link ⇒ String
A link for downloading the content of the file in a browser.
#web_view_link ⇒ String
A link for opening the file in a relevant Google editor or viewer in a browser.
#writers_can_share ⇒ Boolean
(also: #writers_can_share?)
Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file's permissions.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(**args) ⇒ File
A new instance of File.
#update!(**args) ⇒ Object
Update properties of this object.
Methods included from Core::JsonObjectSupport
Methods included from Core::Hashable
Constructor Details
#initialize(**args) ⇒ File
723 724 725 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 723 def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#app_properties ⇒ Hash<String,String>
A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting
Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
Corresponds to the JSON property appProperties
459 460 461 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 459 def app_properties @app_properties end |
#capabilities ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::Capabilities
Capabilities the current user has on the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property capabilities
464 465 466 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 464 def capabilities @capabilities end |
#content_hints ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ContentHints
Additional information about the content of the file. These fields are never
populated in responses.
Corresponds to the JSON property contentHints
470 471 472 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 470 def content_hints @content_hints end |
#created_time ⇒ DateTime
The time at which the file was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
Corresponds to the JSON property createdTime
475 476 477 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 475 def created_time @created_time end |
#description ⇒ String
A short description of the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property description
480 481 482 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 480 def description @description end |
#explicitly_trashed ⇒ Boolean Also known as: explicitly_trashed?
Whether the file has been explicitly trashed, as opposed to recursively
trashed from a parent folder.
Corresponds to the JSON property explicitlyTrashed
486 487 488 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 486 def explicitly_trashed @explicitly_trashed end |
#file_extension ⇒ String
The final component of fullFileExtension. This is only available for files
with binary content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property fileExtension
493 494 495 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 493 def file_extension @file_extension end |
#folder_color_rgb ⇒ String
The color for a folder as an RGB hex string. The supported colors are
published in the folderColorPalette field of the About resource.
If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette will be
used instead.
Corresponds to the JSON property folderColorRgb
501 502 503 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 501 def folder_color_rgb @folder_color_rgb end |
#full_file_extension ⇒ String
The full file extension extracted from the name field. May contain multiple
concatenated extensions, such as "tar.gz". This is only available for files
with binary content in Drive.
This is automatically updated when the name field changes, however it is not
cleared if the new name does not contain a valid extension.
Corresponds to the JSON property fullFileExtension
510 511 512 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 510 def full_file_extension @full_file_extension end |
#head_revision_id ⇒ String
The ID of the file's head revision. This is currently only available for files
with binary content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property headRevisionId
516 517 518 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 516 def head_revision_id @head_revision_id end |
#icon_link ⇒ String
A static, unauthenticated link to the file's icon.
Corresponds to the JSON property iconLink
521 522 523 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 521 def icon_link @icon_link end |
#id ⇒ String
The ID of the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property id
526 527 528 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 526 def id @id end |
#image_media_metadata ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ImageMediaMetadata
Additional metadata about image media, if available.
Corresponds to the JSON property imageMediaMetadata
531 532 533 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 531 def @image_media_metadata end |
#is_app_authorized ⇒ Boolean Also known as:
Whether the file was created or opened by the requesting app.
Corresponds to the JSON property isAppAuthorized
536 537 538 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 536 def @is_app_authorized end |
#kind ⇒ String
Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "drive#file".
Corresponds to the JSON property kind
542 543 544 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 542 def kind @kind end |
#last_modifying_user ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::User
Information about a Drive user.
Corresponds to the JSON property lastModifyingUser
547 548 549 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 547 def @last_modifying_user end |
#md5_checksum ⇒ String
The MD5 checksum for the content of the file. This is only applicable to files
with binary content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property md5Checksum
553 554 555 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 553 def md5_checksum @md5_checksum end |
#mime_type ⇒ String
The MIME type of the file.
Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded
content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new
revision is uploaded.
If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be
imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About
Corresponds to the JSON property mimeType
564 565 566 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 564 def mime_type @mime_type end |
#modified_by_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was modified by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
Corresponds to the JSON property modifiedByMeTime
569 570 571 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 569 def modified_by_me_time @modified_by_me_time end |
#modified_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).
Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
Corresponds to the JSON property modifiedTime
575 576 577 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 575 def modified_time @modified_time end |
#name ⇒ String
The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder.
Corresponds to the JSON property name
580 581 582 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 580 def name @name end |
#original_filename ⇒ String
The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the
original value of the name field. This is only available for files with binary
content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property originalFilename
587 588 589 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 587 def original_filename @original_filename end |
#owned_by_me ⇒ Boolean Also known as: owned_by_me?
Whether the user owns the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property ownedByMe
592 593 594 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 592 def owned_by_me @owned_by_me end |
#owners ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::DriveV3::User>
The owners of the file. Currently, only certain legacy files may have more
than one owner.
Corresponds to the JSON property owners
599 600 601 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 599 def owners @owners end |
#parents ⇒ Array<String>
The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.
If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly
in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and
removeParents parameters to modify the values.
Corresponds to the JSON property parents
607 608 609 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 607 def parents @parents end |
#permissions ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::DriveV3::Permission>
The full list of permissions for the file. This is only available if the
requesting user can share the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property permissions
613 614 615 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 613 def @permissions end |
#properties ⇒ Hash<String,String>
A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps.
Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
Corresponds to the JSON property properties
619 620 621 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 619 def properties @properties end |
#quota_bytes_used ⇒ String
The number of storage quota bytes used by the file. This includes the head
revision as well as previous revisions with keepForever enabled.
Corresponds to the JSON property quotaBytesUsed
625 626 627 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 625 def quota_bytes_used @quota_bytes_used end |
#shared ⇒ Boolean Also known as:
Whether the file has been shared.
Corresponds to the JSON property shared
630 631 632 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 630 def shared @shared end |
#shared_with_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The time at which the file was shared with the user, if applicable (RFC 3339
Corresponds to the JSON property sharedWithMeTime
637 638 639 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 637 def shared_with_me_time @shared_with_me_time end |
#sharing_user ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::User
Information about a Drive user.
Corresponds to the JSON property sharingUser
642 643 644 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 642 def sharing_user @sharing_user end |
#size ⇒ String
The size of the file's content in bytes. This is only applicable to files with
binary content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property size
648 649 650 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 648 def size @size end |
#spaces ⇒ Array<String>
The list of spaces which contain the file. The currently supported values are '
drive', 'appDataFolder' and 'photos'.
Corresponds to the JSON property spaces
654 655 656 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 654 def spaces @spaces end |
#starred ⇒ Boolean Also known as: starred?
Whether the user has starred the file.
Corresponds to the JSON property starred
659 660 661 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 659 def starred @starred end |
#thumbnail_link ⇒ String
A short-lived link to the file's thumbnail, if available. Typically lasts on
the order of hours.
Corresponds to the JSON property thumbnailLink
666 667 668 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 666 def thumbnail_link @thumbnail_link end |
#trashed ⇒ Boolean Also known as: trashed?
Whether the file has been trashed, either explicitly or from a trashed parent
folder. Only the owner may trash a file, and other users cannot see files in
the owner's trash.
Corresponds to the JSON property trashed
673 674 675 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 673 def trashed @trashed end |
#version ⇒ String
A monotonically increasing version number for the file. This reflects every
change made to the file on the server, even those not visible to the user.
Corresponds to the JSON property version
680 681 682 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 680 def version @version end |
#video_media_metadata ⇒ Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::VideoMediaMetadata
Additional metadata about video media. This may not be available immediately
upon upload.
Corresponds to the JSON property videoMediaMetadata
686 687 688 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 686 def @video_media_metadata end |
#viewed_by_me ⇒ Boolean Also known as: viewed_by_me?
Whether the file has been viewed by this user.
Corresponds to the JSON property viewedByMe
691 692 693 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 691 def viewed_by_me @viewed_by_me end |
#viewed_by_me_time ⇒ DateTime
The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
Corresponds to the JSON property viewedByMeTime
697 698 699 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 697 def viewed_by_me_time @viewed_by_me_time end |
#viewers_can_copy_content ⇒ Boolean Also known as: viewers_can_copy_content?
Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file's
content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
Corresponds to the JSON property viewersCanCopyContent
703 704 705 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 703 def viewers_can_copy_content @viewers_can_copy_content end |
#web_content_link ⇒ String
A link for downloading the content of the file in a browser. This is only
available for files with binary content in Drive.
Corresponds to the JSON property webContentLink
710 711 712 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 710 def web_content_link @web_content_link end |
#web_view_link ⇒ String
A link for opening the file in a relevant Google editor or viewer in a browser.
Corresponds to the JSON property webViewLink
715 716 717 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 715 def web_view_link @web_view_link end |
#writers_can_share ⇒ Boolean Also known as:
Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file's permissions.
Corresponds to the JSON property writersCanShare
720 721 722 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 720 def writers_can_share @writers_can_share end |
Instance Method Details
#update!(**args) ⇒ Object
Update properties of this object
728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 |
# File 'generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb', line 728 def update!(**args) @app_properties = args[:app_properties] if args.key?(:app_properties) @capabilities = args[:capabilities] if args.key?(:capabilities) @content_hints = args[:content_hints] if args.key?(:content_hints) @created_time = args[:created_time] if args.key?(:created_time) @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) @explicitly_trashed = args[:explicitly_trashed] if args.key?(:explicitly_trashed) @file_extension = args[:file_extension] if args.key?(:file_extension) @folder_color_rgb = args[:folder_color_rgb] if args.key?(:folder_color_rgb) @full_file_extension = args[:full_file_extension] if args.key?(:full_file_extension) @head_revision_id = args[:head_revision_id] if args.key?(:head_revision_id) @icon_link = args[:icon_link] if args.key?(:icon_link) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @image_media_metadata = args[:image_media_metadata] if args.key?(:image_media_metadata) @is_app_authorized = args[:is_app_authorized] if args.key?(:is_app_authorized) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @last_modifying_user = args[:last_modifying_user] if args.key?(:last_modifying_user) @md5_checksum = args[:md5_checksum] if args.key?(:md5_checksum) @mime_type = args[:mime_type] if args.key?(:mime_type) @modified_by_me_time = args[:modified_by_me_time] if args.key?(:modified_by_me_time) @modified_time = args[:modified_time] if args.key?(:modified_time) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @original_filename = args[:original_filename] if args.key?(:original_filename) @owned_by_me = args[:owned_by_me] if args.key?(:owned_by_me) @owners = args[:owners] if args.key?(:owners) @parents = args[:parents] if args.key?(:parents) @permissions = args[:permissions] if args.key?(:permissions) @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) @quota_bytes_used = args[:quota_bytes_used] if args.key?(:quota_bytes_used) @shared = args[:shared] if args.key?(:shared) @shared_with_me_time = args[:shared_with_me_time] if args.key?(:shared_with_me_time) @sharing_user = args[:sharing_user] if args.key?(:sharing_user) @size = args[:size] if args.key?(:size) @spaces = args[:spaces] if args.key?(:spaces) @starred = args[:starred] if args.key?(:starred) @thumbnail_link = args[:thumbnail_link] if args.key?(:thumbnail_link) @trashed = args[:trashed] if args.key?(:trashed) @version = args[:version] if args.key?(:version) @video_media_metadata = args[:video_media_metadata] if args.key?(:video_media_metadata) @viewed_by_me = args[:viewed_by_me] if args.key?(:viewed_by_me) @viewed_by_me_time = args[:viewed_by_me_time] if args.key?(:viewed_by_me_time) @viewers_can_copy_content = args[:viewers_can_copy_content] if args.key?(:viewers_can_copy_content) @web_content_link = args[:web_content_link] if args.key?(:web_content_link) @web_view_link = args[:web_view_link] if args.key?(:web_view_link) @writers_can_share = args[:writers_can_share] if args.key?(:writers_can_share) end |