gollum-site -- A static site generator for Gollum


Generates a static site from a Gollum Wiki.


The easiest way to install gollum-site is with RubyGems:

$ [sudo] gem install gollum-site

Supported formats

Gollum supports several formats for wiki text. In order to generate the various supported formats certain dependencies must be met:

  • ASCIIDoc -- brew install asciidoc
  • Creole -- gem install creole
  • Markdown -- gem install rdiscount
  • Org -- gem install org-ruby
  • Pod -- Pod::Simple::HTML comes with Perl >= 5.10. Lower versions should install Pod::Simple from CPAN.
  • RDoc
  • ReStructuredText -- easy_install docutils
  • Textile -- gem install RedCloth


Static sites can be generated using the executable provided:

   $ gollum-site generate

Once a site has been generated (output to "_site" by default) you can use the gollum-site executable to start a web server for the site:

   $ gollum-site serve

The executable provides a few options which are described in the help menu:

   $ gollum-site --help

Static Site Templates

The static site generator uses the Liquid templating system to render wiki pages. The generator looks for _Layout.html files to use as templates. Layouts affect all pages in their directory and any subdirectories that do not have a layout file of their own.

A layout is a Liquid template applied to a wiki page during static site generation with the following data made available to it:

  • wiki.base_path The base path of the Wiki to which the page belongs
  • page.content The formatted content of the page
  • page.title The title of the page
  • page.format The format of the page (textile, org, etc.)
  • page.author The author of the last edit
  • page.date The date of the last edit

Default Layout

A default layout is applied to the root folder for wikis that do not define a root layout. The default layout is the same used in gollum without the edit features. It's possible to generate a site without the default template using the "--no_default_layout" option:

   $ gollum-site --no_default_layout generate


The gollum-site executable provides the ability to import the default layout to the current wiki. The import command will copy the required "_Layout.html", css and javascript to the current wiki. These files must be committed to the wiki repository before the 'generate' command will recognize them.

   $ gollum-site import


To see gollum-site in action, let's use it to generate a static site from a Gollum Wiki. For this example I will use the Radiant wiki:

   $ git clone git://github.com/radiant/radiant.wiki.git
   $ cd radiant.wiki
   $ gollum-site generate
   $ gollum-site serve

Now you can browse to http://localhost:8000 and view the Radiant wiki as a static site.