Ruby Client for GoCardless Enterprise API

This client is still in beta and is subject to change. Until a stable major version is released you should expect breaking changes.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gocardless-pro'

And then load it into your application:

require 'gocardless-pro'

Usage Examples

  • In the case of a single response, the client will return you an instance of the resource
  • In the case of list responses, the client will return an instance of ListResponse, which is enumerable.
  • You can also call #all to get a lazily paginated list of resource that will deal with making extra API requests to paginate through all the data

Initialising the client

The client is initialised with an Access Token. You can also pass in environment as :sandbox to make requests to the sandbox environment rather than the live one.

@client =

GET requests

You can make a request to get a list of resources using the list method:


This README will use customers throughout but each of the resources in the API is available in this library. They are defined in gocardless.rb.

If you need to pass any options, the last (or in the absence of URL params, the only) argument is an options hash. This is used to pass query parameters for GET requests:

@client.customers.list(limit: 400)

A call to list returns an instance of GoCardless::ListResponse. This is a enumerable which lets you iterate over every item returned:

@client.customers.list do |customer|
  p customer.given_name

In the case where a url parameter is needed, the method signature will contain required arguments:


As with list, the last argument can be an options hash:

@client.customers.get(customers_id, limit: 200)

POST/PUT Requests

For POST and PUT requests you need to pass in the body in as the last argument.

  first_name: "Pete",
  last_name: "Hamilton",

As with GET requests, if any parameters are required they come first:

@client.customers.update(customer_id, {...})

Custom Headers

If you need to pass in a custom header to an endpoint, you can pass in a separate hash as the last argument:

  account_number: 200000,
}, {
  'Accept': 'application/pdf'

There are very few endpoints in the API that require custom headers. Currently, the only ones that do are helpers.

Handling failures

When an API returns an error, the client will raise an error that corresponds to the type of error. All errors subclass GoCardless::Error. There are four errors that could be thrown:

  • GoCardless::GoCardlessError
  • GoCardless::InvalidApiUsageError
  • GoCardless::InvalidStateError
  • GoCardless::ValidationError

These errors are fully documented in the API documentation.

The error has the following methods to allow you to access the information from the API response:

  • #documentation_url
  • #message
  • #type
  • #code
  • #request_id
  • #errors

Supporting Ruby < 2.0.0

The client only supports Ruby >= 2.0.0 out of the box due to our use of Enumerable::Lazy for lazy loading of paginated API resources.

However, support for previous ruby versions can be added using a gem such as backports.

  1. Add backports to your Gemfile gem 'backports'
  2. Require lazy enumerables require 'backports/2.0.0/enumerable/lazy.rb'


This client is auto-generated from Crank, a toolchain that we hope to soon open source. Issues should for now be reported on this repository. Please do not modify the source code yourself, your changes will be overriden!