
Ruby gem to access functionality of gnfinder project written in Go. This gem allows to perform fast and accurate scientific name finding in UTF-8 encoded plain texts for Ruby-based projects.


This gem uses gRPC to access a running gnfinder server. You can find how to run it in gnfinder README file.


To use the gem from Ruby proect install it using Gemfile, or manually:

gem install gnfinder


The purpose of this gem is to access gnfinder functionality out of Ruby applications. If you need to find names using other languages, use the source code of this gem for reference. For other usages read the original Go-lang gnfinder README file.

First you need to create a instance of a gnfinder client

require 'gnfinder'

gf =

By default the client will try to connect to localhost:8778. If you have another location for the server use:

require 'gnfinder'

# you can use global public gnfinder server
# located at
gf = = '', port = 80)

# localhost, different port
gf = = '', port = 8000)

Finding names in a text using default settings

You can find format of returning result in proto file or in tests

txt ='utf8-text-with-names.txt')

res = gf.find_names(txt)
puts res.names[0].value
puts res.names[0].odds

Returned result will have the following methods for each name:

  • value: name-string cleaned up for verification.
  • verbatim: name-string as it was found in the text.
  • odds: Bayes' odds value. For example odds 0.1 would mean that according to the algorithm there is 1 chance out of 10 that the name-string is a scientific name. This field will be empty if Bayes algorithms did not run.

Some languages that are close to Latin (Italian, French, Portugese) would generate too many false positives. To decrease amount of false positives you can disable Bayes algorithm by running:

names = gf.find_names(txt, no_bayes: true).names

Set a language for the text

It is possible to supply the prevalent language to set a language for a text by hand. That might Bayes algorithms work better

List of supported languages will increase with time.

res = gf.find_names(txt, language: 'eng')
puts res.language
res = gf.find_names(txt, language: 'deu')
puts res.language

# Setting is ignored if language string is not known by gnfinder.
# Only 3-character notations iso-639-2 code are supported
res = gf.find_names(txt, language: 'rus')
puts res.language

Set automatic detection of text's language

To enable automatic detection of prevalent language of a text use:

res = gf.find_names(txt, detect_language: true) puts res.language puts res.detect_language puts res.language_detected

If detected language is not yet supported by Bayes algorithm, default language (English) will be used.

Set verification option

In case if found names need to be validated against a large collection of name-strings, use with_verification option. For each name algorithm will return the following information:

  • match type:
    • NONE: name-string is unknown
    • EXACT: name-string matched exactly.
    • CANONICAL_EXACT: canonical form of a name-string matched exactly.
    • CANONICAL_FUZZY: fuzzy match of a canonical string.
    • PARTIAL_EXACT: only part of a name matched. For examle only genus of a species was found.
    • PARTIAL_FUZZY: fuzzy match of a partial result. For example canonical form of a trinomial matched on a species level with some corrections.
  • source_id: ID of a data-source of a best matched result. Data source IDs can be compared with the data-source list
  • curated: true if name-string was found in some data-sources that are deemed to curated by humans.
  • path: the classification path of a matched name (if available)
res = gf.find_names(txt, verification: true)

Set preferred data-sources list

Sometimes it is important to know if a name was found in a particular data-source (data-sources). There is a parameter that takes IDs from the data-source list. If a name-string was found in these data-sources, match results will be returned back.

res = gf.find_names(txt, verification: true, sources: [1, 4, 179])

Combination of parameters.

It is possible to combine parameters. However if a parameter makes no sense in a particular context. It is silently ignored.

# Runs Bayes' algorithms using English training set, runs verification and
# returns matched results for 3 data-sources if they are available.
res = gf.find_names(txt, language: eng, verification: true,
                           sources: [1, 4, 179])

# Ignores `sources:` settings, because `with_verification` is not set to `true`
res = gf.find_names(txt, language: eng, sources: [1, 4, 179])


This gem uses gRPC to access gnfinder server. gRPC in turn depends on a protobuf library. If you need to compile Ruby programs with protobuf you need to install Go language and download gnfinder project.

go get

Then you need to run bundle from the root of the project and generate grpc files:

rake grpc

If you get an error, you might need to set a GOPATH environment variable.

After starting the server with default host and port (localhost:8778) you will be able to run tests for this Ruby client with:

bundle exec rake

To run rubocop test

bundle exec rake rubocop

To run tests without rubocop

bundle exec rspec