GMSEC for Ruby

This is a Ruby library that wraps the GMSEC API in a Ruby-friendly way. This makes it easy to quickly develop applications that can be deployed in a ground system environment that leverages the various software libraries in the Ruby community.


You will need to compile and install GMSEC 3.6 according to GMSEC documentation. Ensure that the GMSEC and supporting libraries (Bolt, MBServer, etc) are available in a standard library location such as /usr/local/lib. If on Windows, make sure that your PATH variable includes the location of where the GMSEC library exists.

After that, simply run: gem install gmsec to install this gem!

Example Usage

require 'gmsec'

# Create a connection by passing configuration options.
connection = :gmsec_mb)

# Connect based on connection defaults, i.e., localhost.

connection.connected? # Return true

connection.subscribe("TEST.*") do |message|
  # Print the message
  puts message.to_s

# Start auto dispatching so that the above subscription will be automatically kicked off
# when a message is received.

# Create a new message using connection defaults.
message = connection.new_message

# We can add fields to messages using bracket notation:
message[:foo] = :bar

# We can append hashes to a message, creating multiple fields at once:
message << {answer: 42, baz: true}

# Or we can explicitly create a GMSEC Field object where we specify the data type:
message <<, "x", type: :char)

message.subject = "TEST.FOO"

# Publish the message.

# We should see:
# +---------------+------------------------------------------+
# |                         TEST.FOO                         |
# +---------------+------------------------------------------+
# | CONNECTION-ID | 2                                        |
# | MW-INFO       | gmsec_mb: localhost                      |
# | NODE          | xxxxx_local                              |
# | PROCESS-ID    | 64047                                    |
# | PUBLISH-TIME  | 2014-363-00:53:45.604                    |
# | UNIQUE-ID     | GMSEC_XXXXX_LOCAL_54A0A61980A4_64047_2_1 |
# | USER-NAME     | user                                     |
# | answer        | 42                                       |
# | bar           | x                                        |
# | baz           | true                                     |
# | foo           | bar                                      |
# +---------------+------------------------------------------+

# We can also publish messages easily without having to create `Message` instances:
connection.publish({foo: :bar, answer: 42, baz: true}, subject: "TEST.BAZ")