# Gmi2html

This is a pure ruby Gemtext to HTML convertor, relying on the gemtext gem

## Gemini

Gemtext is a simple plain text format, similar to Markdown but simpler. It is the official format for pages within Gemini capsules.

For more information on Gemini see the official page

> //gemini.circumlunar.space Gemini official page

> //gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.gmi Gemini specification

## Using Gmi2html

To convert a Gemtext string to an html string

“‘ require ’gmi2html’

html_string = Gmi2html::Document.new(my_gemtext_string).to_html “‘

To convert a Gemtext file to an html string

“‘ require ’gmi2html’

html_string = File.open(‘capsule/my_gemtext.gmi’, ‘r’) do |f|


end “‘

## Status

First release but should be feature complete

### Supported

  • Paragraphs

  • Headings

  • Quotes

  • Whitespace

  • List items

  • Preformatted text

  • Syntax highlighted preformatted text