Global UID Plugin


This plugin does a lot of the heavy lifting needed to have an external MySQL based global id generator as described in this article from Flickr


There are three parts to it: configuration, migration and object creation

Interactions with other databases

This plugin shouldn't fail with Databases other than MySQL but neither will it do anything either. There's theoretically nothing that should stop it from being ported to other DBs, we just don't need to.


Shove this in your Gemfile and smoke it

gem "global_uid", :git => "git://"


First configure some databases in database.yml in the normal way.

  adapter: mysql
  port: 3306

    adapter: mysql
    port: 3306

Then setup these servers, and other defaults in your environment.rb:

GlobalUid.default_options = {
  :id_servers => [ 'id_server_1', 'id_server_2' ],
  :increment_by => 3

Here's a complete list of the options you can use:

Name                  Default
:disabled             false                         
        Disable GlobalUid entirely

:dry_run              false                         
        Setting this parameter causes the REPLACE INTO statements to run, but the id picked up will not be used.

:connection_timeout   3 seconds                    
        Timeout for connecting to a global UID server

:query_timeout        10 seconds                    
        Timeout for retrieving a global UID from a server before we move on to the next server

:connection_retry     10.minutes
        After failing to connect or query a UID server, how long before we retry

:use_server_variables false
        If set, this gem will call "set @@auto_increment_offset" in order to setup the global uid servers.
        good for test/development, not so much for production.
:notifier             A proc calling ActiveRecord::Base.logger
        This proc is called with two parameters upon UID server failure -- an exception and a message

:increment_by         5
        Chooses the step size for the increment.  This will define the maximum number of UID servers you can have.


mysqladmin -uroot create global_uid_test
mysqladmin -uroot create global_uid_test_id_server_1
mysqladmin -uroot create global_uid_test_id_server_2

Copy test/config/database.yml.example to test/config/database.yml and make the modifications you need to point it to 2 local MySQL databases. Then +rake test+


Migrations will now add global_uid tables for you by default. They will also change your primary keys from signature "PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL" to "PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL".

If you'd like to disable this behavior, you can write:

class CreateFoos < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :foos, :use_global_uid => false do |t|

Model-level stuff

If you want GlobalUIDs created, you don't have to do anything except set up the GlobalUID tables with your migration. Everything will be taken care you. It's calm, and soothing like aloe. It's the Rails way.

Disabling global uid per table

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base

Taking matters into your own hands:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base

    def before_create = generate_uid()
      # other stuff


If you're using a non standard uid table then pass that in.

generate_uid(:uid_table => '<name>')

Submitting Bug reports, patches or improvements

I welcome your feedback, bug reports, patches and improvements. Please e-mail these to simon at

with [mysqlbigint global uid] in the subject line. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Copyright (c) 2010 Zendesk, released under the MIT license