
Gitsheet is a command line utility designed to fetch/parse/format GitHub API data. Primary use cases include analytics and report-generating.

Gitsheet requests are authenticated using your Github credentials. As such, the results of all queries are limited to the permissions of your Github account.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone [email protected]/vervewireless/gitsheet.git
$ cd gitsheet/

Mac OSX Users should have a system version of Ruby installed:

$ ruby -v

Install Bundler:

$ gem install bundler

Install Gitsheet dependencies:

$ bundle install


Place bin/gitsheet in your $PATH to be able to run the command globally:

$ cp gitsheet/bin/gitsheet usr/bin

It is helpful to create aliases in your .bashrc file for common operations:

# .bashrc
alias report_git_repos='gitsheet repos -u maiyln -o vervewireless'
alias report_git_users='gitsheet users -u maiyln -o vervewireless'



$ gitsheet [type] -u [username] -p [password] -o [organization] -f [format]


type is the data type to fetch. Can be either 'repos' or 'users'.

-o the GitHub organization to search within eg: 'vervewireless'


By default, gitsheet outputs raw csv data to stdout. This is useful because you can pass the output to various shell commands.

Write to a file:

$ gitsheet ... > report.csv

Keyword search through results:

$ gitsheet ... | grep [keyword]


Get all repositories in an organization:

$ gitsheet repos -u testuser -p secret -o vervewireless

Get all members of an organization:

$ gitsheet users -u testuser -p secret -o vervewireless

Get all repositories and write output to a .csv file:

$ gitsheet repos -u testuser -p secret -o vervewireless -f csv > report.csv


Here are the next steps for Gitsheet

  • Add unit tests
  • Leverage Ruby gem to handle command line argument parsing, control flow etc.
  • Better error handling
  • More informative error messages
  • A much better name!