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GitLab end-to-end tests

End-to-end test suite that verifies GitLab as a whole.

GitLab consists of multiple pieces configured and packaged by GitLab Omnibus.

The purpose of this test suite is to verify that all pieces do integrate well together.

How do we use it

Currently we trigger test suite against GitLab Docker images created by Omnibus nightly.

How can you use it

GitLab QA tool is published as a Ruby Gem.

You can install it with gem install gitlab-qa. It will expose a gitlab-qa command in your system.

  1. Run tests against a Docker image with GitLab:

    gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Image CE|EE|<full image address>

  2. Test upgrade process:

    gitlab-qa Test::Omnibus::Upgrade CE|EE|<full image address>

  3. Run tests against any existing instance:

    gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Any CE|EE nightly|latest http://your.instance.gitlab

How does it work?

GitLab QA handles a few scenarios:

Test::Omnibus::Image CE|EE|<full image address>

This scenario only tests that a GitLab Docker container can be run.

This spins up a GitLab Docker container based on the given edition or image:

  • gitlab/gitlab-ce:nightly for CE
  • gitlab/gitlab-ee:nightly for EE
  • the given custom image for <full image address>

Test::Omnibus::Upgrade CE|EE|<full image address>

This scenario tests that:

  • the GitLab Docker container works as expected by running tests against it (see Test::Instance::Image below)
  • that it can be upgraded to a new (nightly or custom image) container
  • that the new GitLab container still works as expected

Test::Instance::Image CE|EE|<full image address>

This scenario tests that the GitLab Docker container works as expected by running tests against it.

To run tests against the GitLab containers, a GitLab QA (gitlab/gitlab-qa) container is spin up and tests are run from it by running the Test::Instance scenario (located under qa/scenario/test/instance in the GitLab codebase).

Test::Instance::Any CE|EE|<full image address>

This scenario tests that the any GitLab instance works as expected by running tests against it (see Test::Instance::Image below).

Supported environment variables

  • GITLAB_USERNAME - username to use when signing in to GitLab
  • GITLAB_PASSWORD - password to use when signing in to GitLab
  • EE_LICENSE - Enterprise Edition license