
gitlab-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses. It is used in GitLab Enterprise Edition.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gitlab-license'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gitlab-license


To release a new version of this gem, follow these steps:

  1. Bump the VERSION constant in lib/gitlab/license/version.rb. This is typically merged as part of the feature MR.
  2. Create a new release in the project (e.g. v2.1.0). For more details on creating a new release, refer to the documentation.
  3. Build the gem to be published: gem build gitlab-license.gemspec
  4. Publish the gem to Rubygems: gem push gitlab-license-2.1.0.gem
    • Note you will need to be added as an owner in Rubygems in order to publish.
    • Once this is published, the new version of the gem can be installed in other projects like CustomersDot or GitLab via bundler or using gem install directly.


# Generate a key pair. You should do this only once.
key_pair = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048)

# Write it to a file to use in the license generation application."license_key", "w") { |f| f.write(key_pair.to_pem) }

# Extract the public key.
public_key = key_pair.public_key
# Write it to a file to ship along with the main application."", "w") { |f| f.write(public_key.to_pem) }

# In the license generation application, load the private key from a file.
private_key ="license_key")
Gitlab::License.encryption_key = private_key

# Build a new license.
license =

# License information to be rendered as a table in the admin panel.
# E.g.: "This instance of GitLab Enterprise Edition is licensed to:"
# Specific keys don't matter, but there needs to be at least one.
license.licensee = {
  "Name"    => "Douwe Maan",
  "Company" => "GitLab B.V.",
  "Email"   => "[email protected]"

# The date the license starts.
# Required.
license.starts_at         =, 4, 24)
# The date the license expires.
# Not required, to allow lifetime licenses.
license.expires_at        =, 4, 23)

# The below dates are hardcoded in the license so that you can play with the
# period after which there are "repercussions" to license expiration.

# The date admins will be notified about the license's pending expiration.
# Not required.
license.notify_admins_at  =, 4, 19)

# The date regular users will be notified about the license's pending expiration.
# Not required.
license.notify_users_at   =, 4, 23)

# The date "changes" like code pushes, issue or merge request creation
# or modification and project creation will be blocked.
# Not required.
license.block_changes_at  =, 5, 7)

# If this license was created due to a subscription cancellation
# Not required.
license.generated_from_cancellation? = false

# Restrictions bundled with this license.
# Not required, to allow unlimited-user licenses for things like educational organizations.
license.restrictions  = {
  # The maximum allowed number of active users.
  # Not required.
  active_user_count: 10000

  # We don't currently have any other restrictions, but we might in the future.

puts "License:"
puts license

# Export the license, which encrypts and encodes it.
data = license.export

puts "Exported license:"
puts data

# Write the license to a file to send to a customer."GitLabBV.gitlab-license", "w") { |f| f.write(data) }

# In the customer's application, load the public key from a file.
public_key ="")
Gitlab::License.encryption_key = public_key

# Read the license from a file.
data ="GitLabBV.gitlab-license")

# Import the license, which decodes and decrypts it.
$license = Gitlab::License.import(data)

puts "Imported license:"
puts $license

# Quit if the license is invalid
unless $license
  raise "The license is invalid."

# Quit if the active user count exceeds the allowed amount:
if $license.restricted?(:active_user_count)
  active_user_count =
  if active_user_count > $license.restrictions[:active_user_count]
    raise "The active user count exceeds the allowed amount!"

# Show admins a message if the license is about to expire.
if $license.notify_admins?
  puts "The license is due to expire on #{$license.expires_at}."

# Show users a message if the license is about to expire.
if $license.notify_users?
  puts "The license is due to expire on #{$license.expires_at}."

# Block pushes when the license expired two weeks ago.
module Gitlab
  class GitAccess
    # ...
    def check(cmd, changes = nil)
      if $license.block_changes?
        return build_status_object(false, "License expired")

      # Do other Git access verification
      # ...
    # ...

# Show information about the license in the admin panel.
puts "This instance of GitLab Enterprise Edition is licensed to:"
$license.licensee.each do |key, value|
  puts "#{key}: #{value}"

if $license.expired?
  puts "The license expired on #{$license.expires_at}"
elsif $license.will_expire?
  puts "The license will expire on #{$license.expires_at}"
  puts "The license will never expire."