
A ruby gem for creating github pull requests

This gem serves no other purpose but to allow github users to quickly attach a branch to an issue via a pull request. A feature which is currently only available via the API.


Our goal is to use GitHub issues for code reviews and tracking stories. In other words we want to eschew using Pivotal Tracker until we're big enough to care.


gem install github-pulley


cd /myproject
git co -b some_new_feature
# Add the feature
git ci -am "Added the ability to send emails"
pulley attach 4  # push and attach this branch to issue #4

Later someone can review the pull request, and merge the code(which also closes the issue)

Respecting Forking

This gem respects the github forking process. It assumes that if you fork a repository, the remote will be named 'upstream', and pull requests will be sent to the upstream repository if it exists.