
github_export command exports your issues, pull requests, comments, labels, milestones and events to .json file. And it downloads your files which was uploaded to the issues or the comments.

You can use the exported .json files and downloaded files for backup or migration to the other.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'github_export'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install github_export


$ github_export all <org_or_user>/<repo> -d path/to/export

Or you can specify access token with --access-token options if you know the access token.

$ github_export all <org_or_user>/<repo> -d path/to/export -t <access token>

See help for more detail

$ github_export
  github_export all REPO           # Export all of the repository
  github_export assets             # Download assets of the repository
  github_export assets_check       # Check downloaded assets exist with assets.txt
  github_export assets_download    # Download assets with assets.txt
  github_export assets_list FILES  # Scan asset urls to assets.txt
  github_export comments REPO      # Export comments of the repository
  github_export events REPO        # Export events of the repository
  github_export help [COMMAND]     # Describe available commands or one specific command
  github_export issue_events REPO  # Export issue events of the repository
  github_export issues REPO        # Export issues of the repository
  github_export labels REPO        # Export labels of the repository
  github_export milestones REPO    # Export milestones of the repository
  github_export releases REPO      # Export releases of the repository
  github_export repository REPO    # Export repository itself

  -t, [--access-token=ACCESS_TOKEN]  # Personal Access Token
  -d, [--output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR]      # Output directory path
                                     # Default: /Users/akima/groovenauts/github_export
  -V, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]    # Show more details


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/github_export. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.