
This is a Git -> Chef synchronization toolset.


  • Git (1.8.x)
  • Chef
  • Berkshelf

Gem dependencies:

  • gitlab + transitive dependencies

To install (from source):


  • Typical "Master" options are:
  • Cookbook sync: gitchefsync syncCookbooks[Local] -c /path_to_config -t xxxyyy
  • Environment sync: gitchefsync syncEnv -c /path_to_config -t xxxyyy
  • "Sous" operation:
  • stage upload: gitchefsync stagedUpload -c /path_to_config -t xxxyyy


  • VM configuration of gitchefsync chefsync
  • sync-config.json is the central config file as is required for all operations
  • relies on knife and chef in general it's best to create a .chef directory in the working directory and fill it with appropriate values, if not a .chef directory and it's corresponding knife.rb file will be created
  • The script relies on 3 important pieces: Git, Chef and Berks. Installation options: see chefsync (
  • There are 2 modes of operation: pulling from master node in git and pushing those changes into chef server, OR using the working directory (which is a git repository). Running locally can be achieved with the "sync_local flag".
  • syncCookbooks still however depends on berks upload, which for all intents and purposes requires access to both git and the internet for getting and installing cookbook dependencies.

Sample sync-config.json

    "gitlab_group_names": [MAND_IEMS,MAND_BBM],
    "git_env_repo": """,
    "cookbook_repo_list" : [""],
    "sync_local" : true,
    "stage_dir": "path_to_stage_",
    "tmp_dir" : "path_to_store_tmp_data"


  • Berks: likely requires you to disable SSL if running through a proxy
  • Git - goes without saying, need git
  • Gitlab - is hardcoded currently
  • knife.rb file

Example of knife.rb : node_name 'admin' client_key '/etc/chef-server/admin.pem' chef_server_url 'https://yourserver'

Cookbook synchronization

  • the current "gitlab_group_names" are the gitlab groups that are the target set of repositories for synchronization
  • this can work concurrently with "cookbook_repo_list" an explicit set of git urls for those cookbooks
  • cookbooks are vetted with berks and knife
  • requires appropriate knife configuration
  • requires that your gitlab token is set correctly

Environment synchronization

  • the "git_env_group" is the repository that houses the standard configuration for environment, data bags and roles
  • chef-repo
    • environments/ env.json
    • data_bags/
      • db_name1/ databag.json
      • db_name2/ -roles/

OR structure:

  • chef-repo
    • env_identifier1/
      • environments/ env.json
      • data_bags/
        • db_name1/ databag.json
        • db_name2/ -roles/ -env_identifier2/
      • environments/ env.json
      • data_bags/
        • db_name1/ databag.json
        • db_name2/ -roles/

See ( for example of such


  • An audit file will be generated for each run of the synchronization, where each cookbook will generate a json structure of which cookbooks were deployed or staged
  • 2 sets of audit files will be generated, one for the cookbook related synchronization and another for
  • Audit will be in a parsable json format stored in the staging directory
    [ { "name": "epagent", "ts": 1400702312, "version": "1.0.3" }, { "name": "epagent", "ts": 1400702315, "version": "1.0.4" },

        "name": "bb_jboss-cookbook",
        "ts": 1400702327,
        "version": "1.0.0"
        "name": "relay_node-cookbook",
        "ts": 1400702329,
        "exception": "Some Exception msg",
        "version": "1.0.0"
        "name": "bb_jssecert-cookbook",
        "ts": 1400702333,
        "version": "1.0.0"
        "name": "nsupdate",
        "ts": 1400702336,
        "version": "1.0.0"
        "name": "jdk-certicom",
        "ts": 1400702339
        "name": "bb_apt-cookbook",
        "ts": 1400702343,
        "version": "1.0.0"
