
A git porcelain for changing and so you can commit as more than one author.


Install the gem:

gem install git-pair

And here's how to use it!

$ git pair

  git pair [options]
    -a, --add NAME                   Add an author. Use the full name.
    -r, --remove NAME                Remove an author. Use the full name.
    -e, --set-email TEMPLATE         Set the email template. A value like [email protected]
                                     will be interpolated with the current authors' initials
                                     into something like [email protected].

Switching authors:
  git pair AA [BB]                   Where AA and BB are any abbreviation of an
                                     author's name. You can specify one or more authors.

Once you've added authors, running git pair with no options will also print out their names, the current pair, and some other information.

Known issues

  • I just shoved everything into a gem. Refactor into separate files.
  • Needs git pair --reset to restore the original and For now, just git config --edit and remove the [user] section to go back to your global config.
  • It'd be better if you could specify an email address for each author instead of just automatically using the authors' initials. Especially if you have two authors with the same initials. And also because when there's just one author, it should use that person's email instead of an interpolation like [email protected].
  • Don't add duplicate authors to the git-config (doesn't affect the proper functioning of git-pair, but makes git pair --add not idempotent and clutters up your config file).


Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Kampmeier. See LICENSE for details.