
This project provides a Ruby module which provides access to a Git repository as a hierarchical data store. The module wraps the Grit (Git-in-Ruby) gem.

Examples of how to use the module are in the doc/examples directory. To build the example repositories, run the following from the top-level directory:

# create kv_test.db doc/examples/key_value/test.rb

# create ug_test.db doc/examples/user_group/test.rb

# create ts_test.db doc/examples/test_suite/test.rb

These repositories can be explored using a tool such as QGit.

To run unit tests:

rake test

To build a gem: rake gem

To build documentation: rake rdoc

What happened to the documentation?

The RDoc guys decided, in their alien wisdom, to stop supporting the “=begin rdoc” tag that is recommended by their very documentation. The automatically-generated docs are, therefore, quite empty.