git-browse-remote Build Status

git-browse-remote helps viewing remote repositories e.g. GitHub in your browser.


git browse-remote [-r|--remote <remote>] [--top|--rev|--ref] [-L <n> [<commit> | <remote>] [<file>]

git-browse-remote opens your web browser by git web--browse to show current repository in browser.

git-browse-remote depends on what commit/ref HEAD points (or you supplied by an argument), such as:

As a special case, if commit is invalid and an valid remote name, that remore repository's page is opened.

How to set up

git browse-remote stores url mapping in ~/.gitconfig. To initialize this, execute with --init option.

% git browse-remote --init
Writing config for
Mappings generated: https://{host}/{path} https://{host}/{path}/tree/{short_ref} https://{host}/{path}/commit/{commit} https://{host}/{path}/blob/{short_rev}/{file}{line && "#L%d" % line}

Execute git config browse-remote.<host>.{top|ref|rev} <url template> to register other hosts mappings.

Especially, if you have a GitHub Enterprise repository, run

% git browse-remote --init <ghe host>=github

to easyly setup url mappings. --init <host>=gitweb is also available.

Variables available in url template

  • host (eg. "")
  • path (eg. "motemen/git-browse-remote")
    • Sliceable, subscribable like an Array
  • ref (eg. "refs/heads/master")
  • short_ref (eg. "master")
  • commit (eg. "04f7c64ba9d524cf311a673ddce5722b2441e2ea")
  • short_commit (eg. "04f7c64b")
  • rev (ref or commit)
  • short_rev (short_ref or short_commit)
  • file (eg. "bin/git-browse-remote")
  • line (eg. 30)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request