Ruby Gibson client Gem Version

A pure Ruby Gibson client library.

Supported Ruby versions and implementations

This module should work identically on:

  • JRuby 1.6+
  • Ruby 1.9.2+
  • Ruby 1.8.7+
  • Rubinius 2.0

If you have problems, please enter an issue.

Installation and Usage

You can verify your installation using this piece of code:

gem install gibson


require 'gibson'
g =
g.set 0, 'foo', 'bar'
p g.get 'foo'


Unit tests are provided inside the test folder, to run all of them:

rake test


Create a Client object to start working.

require 'gibson'

gibson =

The following options can be used in the constructor:

  • socket: String, the path of the unix socket to connect to, default to /var/run/gibson.sock.
  • address: String, the tcp address to connect to, setting this option will exclude the :socket option, default to nil.
  • port: Integer, the tcp port of Gibson instance, default to 10128.
  • timeout: Integer, timeout in milliseconds for socket I/O, default to 100.
  • keepalive: Boolean, true to set SO_KEEPALIVE option on the tcp socket, default true.

Tcp connection example:

gibson = :address => 'localhost'

Custom unix socket connection example with 50ms timeout:

gibson = :socket => '/tmp/socket', :timeout => 50

Runtime Errors

Every Gibson protocol error is mapped to a RuntimeError derived class.

  • GenericError Generic protocol error.
  • NotFoundError Key or prefix not found.
  • NaNError The object is not a number.
  • OutOfMemoryError Server is out of memory.
  • LockedError Object is locked.


After connecting, you can start to make requests.

# will retrieve the 'key' value
gibson.get 'key'

# create ( or replace ) a value with a TTL of 3600 seconds.
# set the TTL to zero and the value will never expire. 
gibson.set 3600, 'key', 'value'

# delete a key from cache.
gibson.del 'key'

# will print server stats
gibson.stats.each do |name,value|
    puts "#{name}: #{value}"

Every available command is automatically mapped to a client method, so follow the official reference of Gibson commands.

Once you're done, close the connection.



Released under the BSD license.
Copyright © 2014, Simone Margaritelli [email protected] All rights reserved.