
A ruby gem that converts HTML to plain text, preserving as much legibility and functionality as possible.

It's sort of like a reverse-markdown or a very simple screen reader.

But Why, Though?

  • Some email clients won't or can’t offer HTML support.
  • Some people explicitly choose plaintext for accessibility or just plain preference.
  • Spam filters tend to prefer emails with a plain text alternative (but if you use this gem to spam people, not only might you be breaking various laws, I will also personally curse you)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ghostwriter'

And then execute:


Or install it manually with:

gem install ghostwriter


Create a Ghostwriter::Writer and call #textify with the html string you want modified:

html = <<~HTML
        <p>This is some text with <a href="">a link</a></p>
        <p>It handles other stuff, too.</p>
        <h1>Stuff Like</h1>
          <li>And more</li>

ghostwriter =

puts ghostwriter.textify(html)


This is some text with a link (

It handles other stuff, too.


-- Stuff Like --
- Images
- Lists
- Tables
- And more

Links are converted to the link text followed by the link target in brackets:

Visit our <a href="">Website</a>


Visit our Website (

Since emails are wholly distinct from your web address, relative links might break.

To avoid this problem, either use the <base> header tag:

   <base href="">
Use the base tag to <a href="/contact">expand</a> links.


Use the base tag to expand ( links.

Or you can use the link_base configuration: '').textify(html)


Images with alt text are converted:

<img src="logo.jpg" alt="ACME Anvils" />


ACME Anvils (.jpg)

But images lacking alt text or with a presentation ARIA role are ignored:

<!-- these will just become an empty string -->
<img src="decoration.jpg">
<img src="logo.jpg" role="presentation">

And images with data URIs won't include the data portion.

     alt="Data picture" />


Data picture (embedded)

Paragraphs and Linebreaks

Paragraphs are padded with a newline at the end. Line break tags add an empty line.

<p>I would like to propose a toast.</p>
<p>This meal we enjoy together would be improved by one.</p>
<br />
<p>... Plug in the toaster and I'll get the bread.</p>
I would like to propose a toast.

This meal we enjoy together would be improved by one.

... Plug in the toaster and I'll get the bread.


Headings are wrapped with a marker per heading level:

<h1>Dog Maintenance and Repair</h1>
<h2>Food Input Port</h2>
<h3>Exhaust Port Considerations</h3>


-- Dog Maintenance and Repair --
---- Food Input Port ----
------ Exhaust Port Considerations ------

The <header> tag is treated like an <h1> tag.


Lists are converted, too. They are padded with newlines and are given simple markers:

   <li>I get knocked down</li>
   <li>I get up again</li>
   <li>Never gonna keep me down</li>


- Planes
- Trains
- Automobiles

1. I get knocked down
2. I get up again
3. Never gonna keep me down


Tables are still often used in email structuring because support for more modern HTML and CSS is inconsistent. If your table is purely presentational, mark it with role="presentation". See below for details.

For real data tables, Ghostwriter tries to maintain table structure for simple tables:

      <td>Jean-Luc Picard</td>
      <td>The Doctor</td>
      <td>Planet Express Ship</td>
      <td>Turanga Leela</td>


| Ship                | Captain         |
| Enterprise          | Jean-Luc Picard |
| TARDIS              | The Doctor      |
| Planet Express Ship | Turanga Leela   |

Customizing Output

Ghostwriter has some constructor options to customize output.

You can set heading markers.

html = <<~HTML
   <h1>Emergency Cat Procedures</h1>

writer = '#')

puts writer.textify(html)


# Emergency Cat Procedures #

You can also set list item markers. Ordered markers can be anything that responds to #next (eg. any Enumerator)

html = <<~HTML

writer = '*', ol_marker: 'a')

puts writer.textify(html)


a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Mars

* Teapot
* Kettle

And tables can be customized:

writer =    '.',
                                 table_column: '#',
                                 table_corner: '+')

puts writer.textify <<~HTML
         <tr><td>Phobos</td><td>Fear & Panic</td></tr>
         <tr><td>Deimos</td><td>Dread and Terror</td></tr>


# Moon   # Portfolio        #
# Phobos # Fear & Panic     #
# Deimos # Dread and Terror #

Presentation ARIA Role

Tags with role="presentation" will be treated as a simple container and the normal behaviour will be suppressed.

<table role="presentation">
      <td>The table is a lie</td>
<ul role="presentation">
   <li>No such list</li>


The table is a lie
No such list

Mail Gem Example

To use #textify with the mail gem, just provide the text-part by pasisng the html through Ghostwriter:

require 'mail'

html        = 'My email and a <a href="">link</a>'
ghostwriter =

Mail.deliver do
   to '[email protected]'
   from '[email protected]'
   subject 'Using Ghostwriter with Mail'

   html_part do
      content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
      body html

   text_part do
      body ghostwriter.textify(html)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

This project is intended to be a friendly space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Core Developers

After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Local Install

To install this gem onto your local machine only, run

bundle exec rake install

Gem Release

To release a gem to the world at large

  1. Update the version number in version.rb,
  2. Run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to
  3. Do a wee dance


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.