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Rails. Engine. CMS. Plug-and-play content management system for Ruby on Rails. Have a peak at the demo.


  • Media library on the cloud
  • Spam filter on emails
  • Multilingual from the get-go
  • Review you pairs and draft new pages
  • Preview before publishing
  • Rollback to previous revisions when it hits the fan
  • Great UI, nice search, gravatars
  • Editable menus
  • Extendable
  • Widgets
  • Slides
  • Permission levels

Why? aka Comparison with refinerycms

  • Because diversity is good.
  • Because Georgia is a Rails Engine. You can add to an existing application.
  • Because it's prettier.
  • Because the guys on refinerycms did a great job and you should check them out.
  • Because it's easy to start a website and push to Heroku.

Getting started

Make sure you have properly identify your default locale and possible available ones. Georgia uses available_locales to know which translations should be configured or not.

config.i18n.default_locale = :en
config.i18n.available_locales = [:en]

Then run the generator to mount routes, run migrations & setup initial instances.

rails generate georgia:install

We built Georgia to help you quickly develop an application with a CMS (Content Management System). However, we don't want to be in your way when you need to customize it.

rails generate georgia:views

Start your server (rails server) and go to http://localhost:3000/admin to get started.


You will need certain addons to make it work. I suggest going with this list matching Georgia's default tools:

heroku addons:add bonsai
heroku addons:add sendgrid

Add config/initializers/bonsai.rb with:


Create your indices with these commands:

heroku run rake environment tire:import CLASS=Georgia::Page FORCE=true
heroku run rake environment tire:import CLASS=Ckeditor::Asset FORCE=true

Finally, create your first admin user to access to web panel:

heroku run rake georgia:seed

For more information, you can also follow these instructions to setup More here on