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Gene Genie

Hey, I wrote a genetic algorithm gem. Goals:

  • Have fun
  • Be easy and intuitive to use
  • Be open to extension and experimentation


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gene_genie'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gene_genie


Basic usage is designed to be as simple as possible. You provide two things: a template and an evaluator.

A template is an array of hashes, representing a list of variables along with their possible range of values that you wish to optimise.

An evaluator implements a fitness method that returns a numeric value.

The genetic algorithm will then search for the set of values that maximises the fitness.

require 'gene_genie'

template = [{
  range_of_ints: 1..10,
  more_ints: 3..100

Typically, your fitness function will create a model represented by the values specified in the template, evaluate the performance of that model, and return a fitness score. But, it can be as complicated or simple as you need.

A fitness function should return a float or integer

class Summer
  def fitness(params)
    params.inject(0) {|acc, values| acc + values.each_value.inject(&:+)}

Then, simply create a Genie, and optimise:

genie =,


If you want to monitor progress of the optimisation algorithm, you can register a listener:

genie.register_listener( do |g|
  puts "Best score: '#{}', Score: #{g.best_fitness}"

See the examples directory for more details.

If you use the simple genie interface, the genetic algorithm will come up with reasonable best-guesses for various algorithm parameters, but you can dive under the covers to give yourself more flexibility.

  • Population size
  • Gene pools
  • Initialization
  • Optimisation Criteria

Advanced Use

If you want more control over your algorithm, you can skip the Genie, and use GenePool directly.

This allows you to create objects that are used to control the methods used for mutation, crossover, gene selection, gene pool parameters like population size and convergence criteria.

  gene_mutator =
  gene_factory =

  template_evaluator =
  size = template_evaluator.recommended_size template,
               fitness_evaluator: fitness_evaluator,
               gene_factory: gene_factory,
               size: size,
               mutator: gene_mutator)

The mutator operates on a Gene to alter it slightly, mimicking natural gene mutations.

The gene_factory creates a population of genes of a given size. Genes are typically generated randomly across the parameter space, but this allows you to have more control over how genes are distributed across this space.

The template_evaluator is used to provide other configuration options to the GenePool, such as recommended size.

Note: Due to the non-deterministic nature of the algorithm, some of the tests don't pass every time at the moment! This is a known issue.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request