Genba Ruby

Build Status CircleCI Gem Version

The Genba Library provides convenient access to the Genba API from applications written in the Ruby language.

Basic Usage

require 'genba'

genba_client = Genba.client(
  username: 'api_genba_user',
  app_id: '79cf9bb2-e7f5-448f-b996-c52e4b2bb351',
  api_key: 'e6a69096fb94d91971ccc69b1770b9f3'


Genba Products API

Call products.get_products to get all products.

payload = {
  countryISO: 'US',
  includeMeta: false

response = genba_client.products.get_products(payload)

Retrieve an existing product

payload = {
  skuId: '79cf9bb2-e7f5-448f-b996-c52e4b2bb351',
  countryISO: 'US',
  includeMeta: false

product = genba_client.products.get_products(payload)

Return a list of products which have changed since a given date, including basic or advanced metadata.

payload = {
  fromDate: 1.days.ago.strftime('%FT%T'),
  countryISO: 'US',
  includeMeta: false

response = genba_client.products.get_changes(payload)

Return a list of products which have been removed since a given date.

payload = {
  fromDate: 1.days.ago.strftime('%FT%T'),
  countryISO: 'US',
  includeMeta: false

response = genba_client.products.get_removed(payload)


Genba Prices API

Get latest prices for all of your available products. It is recommended that you call this daily to get accurate pricing.

response = genba_client.prices.get_prices


Genba Restrictions API

Returns a list of product sku restrictions, whitelist - can only sold in countries, blacklist - cannot be sold in countries.

payload = {
  productId: '84d90a06-f458-4ed8-8f3d-91aa84cc6577',
  fromDate: 1.days.ago.strftime('%FT%T'),
  countryISO: 'US'

response = genba_client.restrictions.get_restrictions


Genba Keys API

Request Product Test Keys for a SKU

response = genba_client.keys.get_test_keys('84d90a06-f458-4ed8-8f3d-91aa84cc6577')


Request Product Keys for a SKU

response = genba_client.keys.get_keys('84d90a06-f458-4ed8-8f3d-91aa84cc6577', 1)
