Gem I

RubyGems is so clever that if you run gem i, it searches a command starts with "i" then automatically falls back to the "install" command.

But once you've installed any gem command starting with "i", this would stop working. And instaed, you'll find your self seeing a weird error message like this, probably more than 10 times every day.

% gem i active_decorator
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
    Ambiguous command i matches [inabox, install]

So, gem_i is here for you.

gem_i is a RubyGems plugin that forces your gem command to always invoke the install command by just gem i even if any other i* command such as inabox was installed.


% gem install gem_i


% gem i kaminari (or any other gems you like)


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