Command: gem local

Lets you register and manage local bundler git repos per-project.


Install this rubygems extension through rubygems:

gem install gem-local



If using git, inside a project with a Gemfile where you want to be able to toggle local bundler gem loadpaths, run:

gem local install

This ensures that the local .bundle/config and .gemlocal files don't get committed.

Adding local repos

Define the dependencies of this project that you have local copies of, and their locations:

gem local add my-dependency ~/code/ruby/gems/my-dependency

This lets git local know about this dependency.

Using local repos

When you want to use your local copy, run

gem local use my-dependency

It updates the local bundler config (not global, as bundler does by default, which many tutorials run with) to refer to the path you supplied it.

Ignoring local repos

When you want to use the remote version again, run

gem local ignore my-dependency

This will remove it from your bundler config and update your .gitlocal accordingly to know it's been disabled.

Multiple gems at once

The use and ignore commands (and their aliases--see the help) work for multiple registered gems at once, as well as all registered gems if you don't specify any.

gem local status
# off: foo @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/foo
# on:  bar @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/bar
# on:  fizz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/fizz
# on:  buzz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/buzz
# off:  metasyntactic @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/variable

gem local ignore bar fizz
# off: foo @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/foo
# off: bar @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/bar
# off: fizz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/fizz
# on:  buzz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/buzz
# off:  metasyntactic @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/variable

gem local enable
# on:  foo @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/foo
# on:  bar @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/bar
# on:  fizz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/fizz
# on:  buzz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/buzz
# on:  metasyntactic @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/variable

gem local disable
# off: foo @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/foo
# off: bar @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/bar
# off: fizz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/fizz
# off: buzz @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/buzz
# off: metasyntactic @ /Users/rubyist/code/oss/variable

Rebuilding the local gem db

If invocations of bundle config --local local... cause your .gemlocal file to get out of sync with bundler's settings in .bundle/config, run

gem local rebuild

to update your file against bundler's configuration.

Other commands

For other commands and usage, see

gem local help

Detailed help

For details on a command, for example install, run

gem local help install


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at