Module: Gecode::Model::Constants

Defined in:


This is a hack to get RDoc to ignore the constants.

Constant Summary collapse


Maps the names of the supported variable branch strategies for integer and booleans to the corresponding constant in Gecode.

  :none                 => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_NONE,
  :smallest_min         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MIN_MIN,
  :largest_min          => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MIN_MAX, 
  :smallest_max         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MAX_MIN, 
  :largest_max          => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MAX_MAX, 
  :smallest_size        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, 
  :largest_size         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX,
  :smallest_degree      => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_DEGREE_MIN, 
  :largest_degree       => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX, 
  :smallest_min_regret  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MIN,
  :largest_min_regret   => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MAX,
  :smallest_max_regret  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MIN, 
  :largest_max_regret   => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MAX

Maps the names of the supported variable branch strategies for sets to the corresponding constant in Gecode.

{ #:nodoc:
  :none                 => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_NONE,
  :smallest_cardinality => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MIN_CARD,
  :largest_cardinality  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MAX_CARD, 
  :smallest_unknown     => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MIN_UNKNOWN_ELEM, 
  :largest_unknown      => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MAX_UNKNOWN_ELEM

Maps the names of the supported value branch strategies for integers and booleans to the corresponding constant in Gecode.

{ #:nodoc:
  :min        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MIN,
  :med        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MED,
  :max        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MAX,
  :split_min  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN,
  :split_max  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_SPLIT_MAX

Maps the names of the supported value branch strategies for sets to the corresponding constant in Gecode.

{ #:nodoc:
  :min  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAL_MIN,
  :max  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAL_MAX