A set of API adapters to work with the GDS APIs, extracted from the frontend app.

Example usage:

publisher_api = GdsApi::Publisher.new("environment")
ostruct_publication = publisher.publication_for_slug('my-published-item')

panopticon_api = GdsApi::Panopticon.new("environment")
 = panopticon_api.artefact_for_slug('my-published-item')

Very much still a work in progress.


Each HTTP request can be logged as JSON. Example:


By default we log to a NullLogger since we don't want to pollute your test results or logs. To log output you'll want to set GdsApi::Base.logger to something that actually logs:

GdsApi::Base.logger = Logger.new("/path/to/file.log")

Test Helpers

There are also test helpers for stubbing various requests in other apps. Example usage of the panopticon helper:

In test_helper.rb:

require 'gds_api/test_helpers/panopticon'

class ActiveSupport::TestCase
  include GdsApi::TestHelpers::Panopticon

In the test:

('id' => 12345, 'need_id' => need.id,
  'slug' => 'my_slug')

This presumes you have webmock installed and enabled.

To Do

  • Make timeout handling work


Released under the MIT Licence, a copy of which can be found in the file LICENCE.