
Gazette is a Ruby gem to interact with the Instapaper API. It offers complete functionality with all API features, including authentication and adding URLs to read later. Gazette operates over HTTP and HTTPS, and uses (Instapaper-preferred) HTTP basic authentication.

NOTE: This gem is still in beta. Production use not suggested, but encouraged.


At your favorite shell:

gem install gazette


All interaction with the Instapaper API is done with an instance of Gazette::Client object. The constructor requires one argument, the user's Instapaper email or username. The 2nd argument is an optional hash, which can contain a :password => "user_pass" and/or :https => true if you would like to use HTTPS

@client ="[email protected]", :password => "seeecrets")
=> #<Gazette::Client:0x101f41cb0 @password=nil, @https=false, @username="[email protected]", @options={}> 

By default Gazette communicates with the Instapaper API over good 'ol HTTP. You are strongly encouraged to use HTTPS if at all possible.


With a client in hand, you can call @client.authenticate to authenticate the user's credentials. Per the API documentation, authentication is totally optional. It may be useful if you want to verify the credentials provided by a user, but is not a required step before adding URLs.

>> @client.authenticate
=> #<Gazette::Response::Success:0x101f37260 @instapaper_title=nil, @content_location=nil>


All valid responses to the Instapaper API return a Gazette::Response::Success object. All invalid response raise one of the following exceptions:

  • Gazette::Response::InvalidCredentials - Invalid user credentials.
  • Gazette::Response::ServerError - API encountered an error. Please try again later.
  • Gazette::Response::UnknownError - Some other unknown error. File a bug...maybe.

Thus, for proper error checking, please rescue any/all of the above exceptions.

Adding URLs

To add URLs to the client's Instapaper account, call @client.add(url):

>> @client.add("", :title => "How do you write 100% correct code?", :selection => "How do you guarantee an application's correctness?")
=> #<Gazette::Response::Success:0x101f17a00 @instapaper_title="\"How do you write 100% correct code?\"", @content_location="">

The #add method takes only one required parameter, a string of the URL you want to add. The 2nd parameter is an optional hash, which can contain any of the following. See the Instapaper API documentation for details:

  • :title => "string"
  • :selection => "string"
  • :redirect => :close which attempts to close the window after a short delay.
  • :jsonp => "string"

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright (c) 2010 Jeff Pollard. See LICENSE for details.