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Why Gantree?

The name is derived from the word gantry which is a large crane used in ports to pick up shipping containers and load them on a ship. Gantry was already taken so I spelled it "tree" because the primary use is for elastic beanstalk and I guess a beanstalk is a form of tree?


This tool is intended to help you setup a which allows you to deploy a prebuilt image of your application to Elastic Beanstalk. This also allows you to do versioned deploys to your Elastic Beanstalk application and create an archive of every versioned in amazons s3 bucket service.


You need to have your AWS_ACCES_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables set in order to use the tool as well as the proper aws permissions for Elastic Beanstalk, and S3 access.

For the time being you also need to configure your github repo to auto build an image inside of Dockerhub (private or open). In order to do this you need to have a dockerhub account already, login, and select your profile/orginization to add a Automated Build to. Select the branch you want to build, location of the docker file and the tag to reference the image that will be built (this will hopefully be automated in the future via dockerhub api).

Once you have your docker image created you will also need to install docker (if you haven't already)


brew install docker

Generate your login credentials token:


Install the gem

gem install gantree


What this does is create a new inside your repository and uploads your docker login credentials to s3 (for private repo access) so you can do deploys. We need the -u to specify a username to rename your .dockercfg and reference it in the

For a public repo

gantree init -p 3000 bleacher/cauldron:master

For a private repo

gantree init -u frodriguez -p 3000 bleacher/cauldron:master


This command renames your temporarily to, uploads it to a NAME_OF_APP-versions bucket, creates a new elastic beanstalk version, and asks the specified elastic beanstalk environment to update to that new version.

gantree deploy stag-cauldron-app-s1

By default this will check for the environment cauldron-stag-s1 and deploy to the app stag-cauldron-app. You can also specify an environment name directly using -e.

gantree deploy -e cauldron-stag-s1 stag-cauldron-app-s1

You can also specify a new image tag to use for the deploy

gantree deploy -t latest stag-cauldon-app-s1