
This gem is a wrapper on 'dry-validation' to validate the entire input in two or more passes.

The first pass will verify only that the user is valid and the player action is valid. If and only if the first pass is successful, a second pass will be made to verify the input against a validator specific to the user's admin status, and to the player_action selected.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'game_validator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install game_validator


The base class of this gem is GameValidator::Validator. It requires two dependencies. The first, with key validate_player_action_and_user, is a built in class GameValidator::Validator::Base, while the second, full_validator_for, should be created by the application builder.

validate_player_action_and_user, where the legal player actions are 'run' and 'hide', and the player whose turn it is has an id of 1, is most easily initialized with the below code

GameValidator::Validator::Base::new(legal_options: ['run', 'hide'], next_player_id: 1)

To create the various action specific validators, wrap Dry::Validation::Contract in a manner such as this

class RunValidator
  extend Dry::Initializer
  option :validate, default: ->{Validator::new}

  class Validator < Dry::Validation::Contract
    schema do
      required(:player_action).filled(:string, eql?: 'run')
      required(:where).filled(:string, included_in?: ['here', 'there'])

  class Executor
    extend Dry::Initializer
    option :where
    def call(change_orders:, **args)
      change_orders.push(Node::new(where: where))

  class Node
    extend Dry::Initializer
    option :where
    def accept(visitor)

  def call(input)
    result = validate(input)
    result.success? ? Executor::new(where: result[:where]) : result

You then need to arrange all of the possible validators in a hash, with either a String or Hash key the value being the value of player_action, or a two element array as the key, the first element being the string value of player_action, and whether the validator is for an admin or non admin as the second element. If the same validator should apply whether or not the user is an admin or not, the same element should be added twice, with the admin portion being both true and false

full_validator = {
  'run' => run_validator,
  ['hide', true] => hide_admin_validator,
  ['hide', false] => hide_non_admin_validator # using a hash with two elements as the key in the event I need different validators for admin and non-admin

In this fashion, you create the full validator as follows

  validate_player_action_and_user: GameValidator::Validator::Base::new(legal_options: ['run', 'hide'], next_player_id: 1),
  full_validator_for: full_validator)

You can also wrap successful results from the validator, using GameValidator::Validator::ValidateToAction and GameValidator::Validator::Result

class DoStuff
  def call(change_orders:, **args)
    # do stuff

  validator: some_regular validator,
  wrap: ->(successful_result){GameValidator::Validator::Result::new(
    result: successful_result,
    execute: DoStuff::new)})


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/game_validator.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. extend Dry::Initializer option :where