
The basic purpose is to provide some simple automations based upon common git workflows


From Rubygems:

$ gem install g_

From github:

$ gem "g_", :git => "git://github.com/Gioyik/g_.git"

From source:

$ gem build g.gemspec
$ gem install ./g_-X.X.X.gem


Switch branches. If no branch is provided it will default to 'master'. If the provided branch does not exist, it is created.

$ g! switch [branch]

Rebase branch with in base of other branch. DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION, IS NOT COMPLETE

$ g! rebase [branch1] [branch2]

Push all the commits in your current branch to remote.

$ g! push

Revert a commit.

$ g! revert [commit]

Update your from with original repo code.

$ g! fork [branch] 

Log your git repository.

$ g! log 

Delete a branch locally. If you want to delete it remotely too, do g! push after this commit. ** NOTE ** If the branch is not specified it will delete the current branch you are. Be carefull!

$ g! fork [branch] 

Commit all the changes on your branch with a message.

$ g! commit ['message']

Squash in one commit all the commits you want.

$ g! squash [number-of-commits]


This tool is licensed under MIT terms.