
This project creates dynamic quickstarts for JBoss Fuse and JBoss A-MQ.


Ruby and RubyGems installed on your local machine.

Try it out

>gem install fusegen

Then for a list of options

>fusegen help

Configure and Query

Add a repo to your configuration

>fusegen repo add https://raw.github.com/dstanley/fusegen-templates/master/

Query the available quickstarts

>fusegen qs list


Generate a camel project using defaults

>fusegen new camel-base

Generate a camel project using 2.10.0.redhat-60060

>fusegen new -f 60060 -g com.mycompany.camel camel-base

Generate a spring based cxf wsdl-first project

>fusegen new -g com.mycompany.camel cxf-wsdl-first

Generate a basic jms consumer

>fusegen new amq-consumer

Generate a multi-threaded jms producer

>fusegen new amq-producer

Latest Code

To install from the latest source

>git clone https://github.com/dstanley/fusegen.git
>rake package
>gem install ./pkg/fusegen-0.0.1.gem