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Detect full table scans in your unit tests! As opposed to just doing basic regexes on the db/schema.rb like rails-best-practices does, this actually checks queries made against the database, to ensure and assert that there are indexes for it to use.


  • Ruby 2.0+
  • ActiveRecord 4+
  • ActiveSupport 4+
  • mysql2 adapter


Add to your Gemfile, in the test group:

ruby group :test do gem 'full_table_scan_matchers', github: 'JustinAiken/full_table_scan_matchers' end


```ruby # No full table scans at all please: expect { user.posts }.not_to full_table_scan

Or on just a specific thing:

expect { user.posts.joins(:comments).first.comments }.not_to full_table_scan.on :posts ```

How’s it work?

  • It logs all SQL queries made inside the expect block
    • ..optionally filtering them to table(s) you care about
  • Afterwards, it runs all those through EXPLAIN
  • Instead of checking type for ALL, it checks the keys instead
    • Because in test mode, mysql may ignore the index and scan the whole table because it’s so small
    • But your production database is much, much larger - we just want to make sure that indexes are available


You can optionally configure a few things:

```ruby FullTableScanMatchers.configure do |config| # Tables to ignore - defaults to none # Default: none config.ignores = []

# Database adapter to use - only one for now # Default (and only): mysql config.adapter = FullTableScanMatchers::DBAdapters::MySql

# Includes a backtrace in the fail output if this is set to true # Default: false config.log_backtrace = false

# Add a proc to strip things from the logged backtraces # Default: None config.backtrace_filter = { |backtrace| backtrace } end ```


Currently, this just support mySql. However, I tried to keep the part that’s most-tied to that database (parsing the EXPLAIN output) silo’d in an adapter - I’d happily merge any clean PRs that add Postgres (or others)!


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests.



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.