Full Request Logger

Easy access to full request logs via a web UI. The recorder attaches to the existing Rails.logger instance, and captures a copy of each log line into a per-thread buffer. When the request is over, the middleware makes the recorder store all the log lines that were recorded for that request as a compressed batch to an auto-expiring Redis key.

Thus you no longer have to grep through log files or wrestle with logging pipelines to instantly see all the log lines relevant to a request you just made. This is ideal for when you're testing a feature in the wild with production-levels of data, which may reveal performance or other issues that you didn't catch in development.


# Gemfile
gem 'full_request_logger'


Add to development.rb and/or production.rb. Default time-to-live (TTL) for each recorded request is 10 minutes, and the default Redis storage is assumed to live on localhost, but both can be overwritten. Only configuration needed is the enabled setting.

config.full_request_logger.enabled = true
config.full_request_logger.ttl     = 1.hour
config.full_request_logger.redis   = { host: "", port: 6379, timeout: 1 }

You can restrict which requests will be stored by setting an eligibility function that gets to evaluate the request:

config.full_request_logger.eligibility = ->(request) { request.params[:full_request_log] == "1" }

This makes it easier to use the logger on a busy site that would otherwise result in a lot of needless redis writes.

The request logs access can be protected behind http basic by adding the following credentials (using ./bin/rails credentials:edit --environment production):

  name: someone
  password: something


Access request logs via /rails/conductor/full_request_logger/request_logs.


Full Request Logger is released under the MIT License.