
Fulfil.io Rubygem

A Ruby library for the Fulfil.io API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

  gem 'fulfil-io', require: 'fulfil'

And then execute:

  $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

  $ gem install fulfil-io


Environment variables:

  • FULFIL_SUBDOMAIN: - always required to use the gem.
  • FULFIL_OAUTH_TOKEN: required for oauth bearer authentication
  • FULFIL_API_KEY: required for authentication via the X-API-KEY request header

Note: When FULFIL_OAUTH_TOKEN is present, the FULFIL_API_KEY will be ignored. So, if oauth doesn't work, returning an Unauthorized error, to use the FULFIL_API_KEY, the FULFIL_OAUTH_TOKEN shouldn't be specified.

require 'fulfil' # this is necessary only in case of running without bundler

fulfil = Fulfil::Client.new # or, to enable request debugging, Fulfil::Client.new(debug: true)

sale_model = Fulfil::Model.new(
  client: fulfil,
  model_name: 'sale.sale'

sales = sale_model.search(
  domain: [['id', '=', [10]]],
  fields: ['id', 'rec_name', 'lines']

# -- OR --

sale_model.query(id: 100)
sale_model.query(ids: 100..150)

  models: sales,
  association_name: 'sale.line',
  source_key: 'lines',
  fields: %w[id unit_price]

pp sales

# [{"id"=>10,
#   "lines"=>
#    [{"id"=>311, "unit_price"=>34.95},
#     {"id"=>313, "unit_price"=>0.0}],
#   "rec_name"=>""}]


client = Fulfil::Client.new
model = Fulfil::Model.new(client: client, model_name: 'stock.shipment.out')
model.count(domain: [['shipping_batch.state', '=', 'open']])

# Returns 7440


As of v0.3.0, we've added very basic support for creates and updates via Fulfil::Client#post and Fulfil::Client#put.

Create Example

fulfil = Fulfil::Client.new

sale_model = Fulfil::Model.new(client: fulfil, model_name: 'sale.sale')

sale = {
  # Full Sale attributes here

fulfil.post(model: sale_model, body: sale)

Update Example

fulfil = Fulfil::Client.new

sale_model = Fulfil::Model.new(client: fulfil, model_name: 'sale.sale')
sale = sale_model.find(id: 1234)

sale['channel'] = 4

fulfil.put(model: sale_model, body: sale)

Interactive Reports

As of v0.4.6, interactive report support exists in a basic form. You're able to execute reports with basic params. Responses are transformed to JSON structures.

fulfil = Fulfil::Client.new

report = Fulfil::Report.new(client: fulfil, report_name: 'account.tax.summary.ireport')

report.execute(start_date: Date.new(2020, 12, 1), end_date: Date.new(2020, 12, 31))

Rate limits

Fulfil's API applies rate limits to the API requests that it receives. Every request is subject to throttling under the general limits. In addition, there are resource-based rate limits and throttles.

This gem exposes an API for checking your current rate limits (note: the gem only knows about the rate limit after a request to Fulfil's API has been made).

Whenever you reached the rate limit, the Fulfil::RateLimitExceeded exception is being raised. You can use the information on the Fulfil.rate_limit to find out what to do next.

$ Fulfil.rate_limit.requests_left?
=> true

# The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per second.
$ Fulfil.rate_limit.limit
=> 9

# The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.
$ Fulfil.rate_limit.resets_at
=> #<DateTime: 2022-01-21T16:36:01-04:00 />


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

Release a new version

We're following semver for the release process of this gem. Make sure to apply the correct semver version for a new release.

To release a new version, run the bin/release x.x.x. That's it.

NOTE: You don't have to add a v to the version you want to release. The release script will handle that for you.


For non-client tests, create the test class or case.

For client tests, you'll need to add a couple steps. If running against a real backend, you'll need to provide a couple of environment variables: FULFIL_SUBDOMAIN and FULFIL_OAUTH_TOKEN. Additionally, pass debug: true to the client instance in the test. This will output the response body. Webmock will probably complain that real requests aren't allowed at this point, offering you the stub. We don't need most of that.

We will need to capture the response body as JSON and store it in the test/fixtures directory. Formatted for readability, please. You'll also need to make note of the path and body of the request. Once you have that, you can generate your stub.

To stub a request, use (or create) the helper method based on the verb. For example, to stub a GET request, use stub_fulfil_get. Here's an example:

def test_find_one
  stub_fulfil_get('sale.sale/213112', 'sale_sale')

  client = Fulfil::Client.new
  response = client.find_one(model: 'sale.sale', id: 213_112)

  assert_equal 213_112, response['id']

stub_fulfil_get takes two arguments: the URL path (after /api/v2/model/) and the fixture file name to be returned.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/knowndecimal/fulfil. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Fulfil project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.