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Find an e-mail address of a Github user from their commit log.

Fue is short for “Finding Unicorn Engineers”.


gem install fue

Get a Github Access Token

Obtain a Github access token from here with public_repo permissions. See help for more information. Set the token as GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN.

Find Someone’s Email

The find command looks through user’s initial repo commits.

``` GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=token fue find defunkt

Chris Wanstrath [email protected] Chris Wanstrath [email protected] ```

Specify More Depth

By default the code looks at 1 commit from the last 10 repos. You can look at more repositories (breadth) and more commits (depth). The maximum value for depth is 100, enforced by Github. Fue will iterate over a number of repositories larger than 100.

``` GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=token fue find –breadth=100 –depth=5 defunkt

Chris Wanstrath [email protected] Chris Wanstrath [email protected] defunkt [email protected] ```

Get Help

fue help

Displays additional options.


There’re a few feature requests and known issues. Please contribute! See CONTRIBUTING.

Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Doubrovkine, Artsy, with help from Orta.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.