
Frontie is a suite of helpers for building Rails front-ends.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'frontie'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install frontie


Active State Helpers

A few simple helpers to set the active state for navigational components. The helper will match against controller and actions names and return class="active" or nothing.

# active_for_controller will return 'active' if paramater matches controller_name
%li= link_to "Products", products_path, class: "products #{active_for_controller("products"}"

# active_for will return 'active' if paramter matches action_name
%li= link_to "Edit", edit_product_path(@product), class: "product #{active_for("edit")}"

# active_for_controller_and_action returns 'active' if matches controller and action
%li= link_to "Drafts", draft_products_path, class: active_for_controller_and_action("admin/products", "drafts")

# active_for_controllers will return 'active' if matches any controllers passed in aray
%li= link_to "Products", products_path, class: active_for_controllers(["products", "categories", "tags"])

Body Class Helper

Simple get and set methods for class. By default, the helper will define the body classes based on the controller and action names. You can simple add to your body tag:

# Default controller and action names
%body{class: body_class} #=> <body class="application application-index">

You can add additional body classes by using the set_body_class method in your views:

# views/application/index.html.haml
- set_body_class "homepage dark-background"
#=> <body class="application application-index homepage dark-background">

Date Helpers

There are a few date format helpers, these were based on some recurring needs we had but feel free to customize. See the date_time_helper.rb for more details.

A nice link helper for creating icon buttons. It plays nice with bootstrap.

# Create a simple icon with link
= icon_link_to "New Product", new_products_path, "icon-product" #=> <a href="/products/new"><i class="icon-product">New Product</a>

# Pass any parameters as usual
= icon_link_to "Delete Product", product_path(@product), "icon-trash", confirm: "Are you sure?", method: :delete
#=> <a href="products/5" confirm="Are you sure?" method="delete">Delete Product</a>

Map Helper

Easily create Google map links and images

# Simple map link
= map_link "800 W. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60642", "Visit our office"

# Map Image
# pass an object with longitude and latitude attributes
= map_image @office_location, width: "250", height: "275"

... more to come.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request